Wintersemester 2009/2010

Datum Vortragender Titel
8. Oktober A. Prendergast -Smith The cone conjecture for some rational elliptic threefolds
15. Oktober S. Wewers Resolution of quotient singularities and stable reduction
29. Oktober I. Dan-Cohen (UC Berkeley, USA) Moduli of unipotent representations in characteristic 0
5. November L. H. Halle Behaviour of component groups of Neron models under ramified extensions
12. November U. Schlickewei (Bonn) K3 surfaces with real multiplication and the Hodge conjecture
24. November* B. Hovinen The Open Swallowtail as a Matrix-Factorisation
3. Dezember R. N. Kloosterman (HU Berlin) The average rank of elliptic n-folds
10. Dezember J. Cerviño (Essen) Gitter-Invarianten
17. Dezember O. Tommasi Towards a computation of the cohomology of the moduli space of abelian fourfolds
7. Januar S. Krug Rational Cohomology of S2 and R2
14. Januar 14:00-18:00 Gemeinsames NTH-Seminar Computeralgebra mit der TU Braunschweig
28. Januar A. Garbagnati (Milano, ITA) Elliptic K3 surfaces with abelian and dihedral groups of symplectic automorphisms
2. Februar* A. Takahashi (Osaka, JAP) GW invariants for weighted projective lines mirror dual to simple elliptic singularities
15. Februar** E. Markman (Amherst, USA) The Beauville-Bogomolov class as a characteristic class
* Diese Termine finden am Dienstag von 16:15-17:45 in Raum f309 statt.
** Der Termin findet am Montag, 15.2.2010 von 16:15-17:45 in Raum g117 statt.