Sommersemester 2014
Datum | Vortragender | Titel |
27. März (14-16) | Gilberto Bini (Milano, IT) | Not Only Calabi-Yau Threefolds |
10. April | Atsushi Takahashi (Osaka, JP) | Orbifold Projective Lines and Extended Cuspidal Weyl Groups |
17. April | Chiara Camere | Non-symplectic automorphisms of holomorphic symplectic manifolds of K3^[2]-type |
24. April | Wenfei Liu | Towards Albanese maps of stable surfaces |
28. April (12-13:30, f102) | Ichiro Shimada (Hiroshima, JP) | On the automorphism groups of certain singular K3 surfaces |
8. Mai (*) | Nero Budur (Leuven) | Cohomology jump loci |
22. Mai | Paola Comparin (Poitiers) | Van Geemen-Sarti involutions and elliptic fibrations on K3 surfaces |
2. Juni (14-15:30, a410) | Davide Veniani | Lines on mildly singular quartics |
3. Juni (14-15:30, f442) | Ana-Maria Castravet (Ohio State) | Birational geometry of moduli spaces of stable rational curves |
10. Juni (14-16, *) | Jesse Leo Kass (South Carolina) | How to deform a n-by-(n+1) matrix |
12. Juni (14-16, *) | Matteo Penegini (Milano / Riemann) | Irrational pencils on surfaces with $p_g=q=2$ |
19. Juni | Malte Wandel (RIMS) | Induced automorphisms on manifolds of K3^[n]-type |
26. Juni (11-12, a310) | Jan Hendrik Bruinier (Darmstadt) | Die Vermutung von Kudla und formale Fourier-Jacobi-Reihen |
30. Juni (14-15:30, a410) | Stephan Elsenhans (Paderborn) | Kubische Flächen - Modulräume und Arithmetik |
3. Juli* | Elisabeth Werner | Frobenius structures for cusp polynomials with group actions |
7. Juli (12-14, f102) | Balazs Szendroi (Oxford) | Euler characteristics of Hilbert schemes of points of ADE surfaces |
10. Juli* | Christian Lehn (Jussieu) | Log-minimal models for symplectic varieties |
17. Juli (15:15-16:45) | Stefan Müller-Stach (Mainz) | What is a period? |
24. Juli | Nathan Priddis | Landau-Ginzburg/Calabi-Yau correspondence for Fermat hypersurfaces |