
  • Daniel Huybrechts, Dominique Mattei (2025): The special Brauer group and twisted Picard varieties
    arXiv: 2310.04032
  • Dominique Mattei (2025): The Intermediate Jacobian fibration of a cubic fourfold containing a plane and fibrations in Prym varieties
    arXiv: 2302.00350
  • Kees Kok, Lin Zhou (2025): On the functoriality of refined unramified cohomology
    arXiv: 2403.10198
  • Olivier de Gaay Fortman, Stefan Schreieder (2025): Abelian varieties with no power isogenous to a JacobianTo appear in Compositio Mathematica
    arXiv: 2401.06577
  • Andreas Krug, Erik Nikolov (2024): Endomorphism Algebras of Equivariant Exceptional Collections
    arXiv: 2403.19814
  • Andreas Krug, Fabian Reede, Ziyu Zhang (2024): A smooth but non-symplectic moduli of sheaves on a hyperkähler variety
    arXiv: 2409.08991
  • Cécile Gachet, Hsueh-Yung Lin, Isabel Stenger, Long Wang (2024): The effective cone conjecture for Calabi--Yau pairs
    arXiv: 2406.07307
  • Erik Nikolov (2024): A Semi-orthogonal Sequence in the Derived Category of the Hilbert Scheme of Three Points
    arXiv: 2404.12851
  • Eva Bayer-Fluckiger, Bert van Geemen, Matthias Schütt (2024): K3 surfaces with real or complex multiplication
    arXiv: 2401.04072
  • Fabian Reede (2024): Enriques surfaces with trivial Brauer map and involutions on hyperkähler manifolds
    arXiv: 2402.07611
  • Fabrizio Catanese, Davide Frapporti, Christian Gleissner, Wenfei Liu, Matthias Schütt (2024): On the cohomologically trivial automorphisms of elliptic surfaces I: χ(S)=0.
  • Fabrizio Catanese, Wenfei Liu, Matthias Schütt (2024): On the numerically and cohomologically trivial automorphisms of elliptic surfaces II: chi(S)>0
    arXiv: 2412.17033
  • Federico Scavia, Fumiaki Suzuki (2024): Non-algebraic geometrically trivial cohomology classes over finite fieldsTo appear in Advances in Mathematics
    arXiv: 2206.12732
  • Federico Scavia, Fumiaki Suzuki (2024): Two coniveau filtrations and algebraic equivalence over finite fieldsTo appear in Algebraic Geometry
    arXiv: 2304.08560
  • Giulio Codogni, Víctor González Alonso, Sara Torelli (2024): Rigidity of modular morphisms via Fujita decompositionTo appear in Algebra & Number Theory.
    arXiv: 2305.04525
  • Hisanori Ohashi, Matthias Schütt (2024): Finite symplectic automorphism groups of supersingular K3 surfaces
    arXiv: 2405.06341
  • Jan Lange (2024): On zero-cycles of varieties over Laurent fields
    arXiv: 2402.14406
  • Jan Lange, Stefan Schreieder (2024): On the rationality problem for hypersurfaces
    arXiv: 2409.12834
  • Jesse Pajwani, Herman Rohrbach, Anna M. Viergever (2024): Compactly supported A^1-Euler characteristics of symmetric powers of cellular varieties
    arXiv: 2404.08486
  • Karl Christ (2024): On the rank of general linear series on stable curvesMath. Ann. 388, 2217–2240 (2024)
    arXiv: 2005.12817
  • Klaus Hulek, Shigeyuki Kondo, Yota Maeda (2024): Compactifications of the Eisenstein ancestral Deligne-Mostow variety
    arXiv: 2403.18345
  • Lena Ji, Fumiaki Suzuki (2024): Arithmetic and birational properties of linear spaces on intersections of two quadrics
    arXiv: 2402.18857
  • Lukas F. Bröring, Anna M. Viergever (2024): Quadratic Euler Characteristic of Symmetric Powers of Curves
    arXiv: 2404.16378
  • Olivier de Gaay Fortman (2024): On the integral Hodge conjecture for real abelian threefoldsJournal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik (Crelles Journal), 2024.
    arXiv: 2211.04061
  • Pascal Fong, Matilde Maccan (2024): Isotrivial elliptic surfaces in positive characteristic
    arXiv: 2405.11602
  • Per Berglund, Tim Gr\"afnitz, Michael Lathwood (2024): Gromov-Witten Invariants and Mirror Symmetry for Non-Fano Varieties Via Tropical Disks
    arXiv: 2404.16782
  • Qixiao Ma (2024): Rational Points on Generic Marked HypersurfacesMath. Zeit. (2024) 306:49
    DOI: 10.1007/s00209-023-03423-2
    arXiv: 2309.12208
  • Raymond Cheng (2024): q-bic threefolds and their surface of lines
    arXiv: 2402.09884
  • Raymond Cheng (2024): Free curves in Fano hypersurfaces must have high degree
    arXiv: 2404.17341
  • Raymond Cheng, Alexander Perry, Xiaolei Zhao (2024): Derived categories of quartic double fivefolds
    arXiv: 2403.13463
  • Samet Balkan, Stefan Schreieder (2024): Cycle conjectures and birational invariants over finite fields
    arXiv: 2406.14438
  • Simon Brandhorst, Víctor González Alonso (2024): 527 elliptic fibrations on Enriques surfaces
    arXiv: 2408.00306
  • Slawomir Rams and Matthias Schütt (2024): Low degree rational curves on quasi-polarized K3 surfaces
    arXiv: 2403.08064
  • Stefan Schreieder (2024): Remarks on Milnor K-theory and Tate's conjecture for divisorsTo appear in Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici.
    arXiv: 2406.18706
  • Theodosis Alexandrou (2024): Two Cycle Class Maps on Torsion Cycles
    arXiv: 2401.11014
  • Theodosis Alexandrou, Stefan Schreieder (2024): Truncated pushforwards and refined unramified cohomologyTo appear in Advances in Mathematics
    arXiv: 2406.07092
  • Tim Gräfnitz, Helge Ruddat and Eric Zaslow (2024): The proper Landau-Ginzburg potential is the open mirror map
    arXiv: 2204.12249
  • Toshiyuki Katsura, Shigeyuki Kondo, Matthias Schütt (2024): The 2-divisibility of divisors on K3 surfaces in characteristic 2
    arXiv: 2410.14085
  • Víctor González Alonso, Sara Torelli (2024): General infinitesimal variations of Hodge structure of ample curves in surfaces
    arXiv: 2402.15158
  • Yajnaseni Dutta, Dominique Mattei, Evgeny Shinder (2024): Twists of intermediate Jacobian fibrations
    arXiv: 2411.01953
  • (2023): Refined unramified cohomology of schemesCompositio Mathematica 159 (2023) 1466 - 1530.
    DOI: 10.1112/S0010437X23007236
    arXiv: 2010.05814
  • Andreas Hochenegger, Andreas Krug (2023): Asymmetry of $\mathbb P$-Functors
    arXiv: 2303.03436
  • Andreas Krug (2023): Extension Groups of Tautological Bundles on Punctual Quot Schemes of CurvesBeiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie 64 (2) (2023), 493-530.
    DOI: 10.1007/s13366-022-00644-0
    arXiv: 2305.17124
  • Anna M. Viergever (2023): Low degree motivic Donaldson-Thomas invariants of the three-dimensional projective space
    arXiv: 2312.09882
  • Anna Viergever (2023): The quadratic Euler characteristic of a smooth projective same-degree complete intersection
    arXiv: 2306.16155
  • Benjamin Schmidt (2023): Sheaves of low rank in three dimensional projective spaceEuropean Journal of Mathematics. 9, 4, 103
    arXiv: 2112.06260
  • Bert van Geemen, Matthias Schütt (2023): On families of K3 surfaces with real multiplication
    arXiv: 2310.05196
  • Domenico Valloni (2023): Fields of definition of K3 surfaces with complex multiplicationJournal of number theory. 242, 436-470
    DOI: 10.1016/j.jnt.2022.04.013
    arXiv: 1907.01336
  • Emiliano Ambrosi, Domenico Valloni (2023): Reduction modulo p of the Noether problem
    arXiv: 2302.04153
  • Emre Can Sertöz (2023): A compactification of the moduli space of multiple-spin curvesGeometriae Dedicata
    arXiv: 1701.02303
  • F. Reede (2023): Families of stable sheaves: wrong-way fibers and noncommutative deformationsHannover: Leibniz Universität Hannover. 148 S.
    DOI: 10.15488/13171
  • Fabian Reede (2023): Picard schemes of noncommutative bielliptic surfacesAbh. Math. Semin. Univ. Hambg. 93, 61–70 (2023)
    DOI: 10.1007/s12188-023-00265-x
    arXiv: 2204.13646
  • Fabian Reede (2023): Stability and certain P^n-functorsRes. Math. Sci. 10, 42 (2023)
    DOI: 10.1007/s40687-023-00405-y
    arXiv: 2206.04578
  • Fabrizio Catanese, Matthias Schütt (2023): Singularities of normal quartic surfaces III (char=2, non-supersingular)Tunisian Journal of Mathematics. 5, 3, 457-478
    DOI: 10.2140/tunis.2023.5.457
    arXiv: 2206.03295
  • Gebhard Martin, Giacomo Mezzedimi, Davide Cesare Veniani (2023): On extra-special Enriques surfacesMathematische Annalen. 387, 1-2, 133-143
    arXiv: 2201.05481
  • Jan Lange, Bjørn Skauli (2023): The diagonal of (3,3) fivefolds
    arXiv: 2303.00562
  • K. Christ, S. Payne, T. Shen (2023): Compactified Jacobians as Mumford modelsTransactions of the American Mathematical Society. 376, 7, 4605-4630
    DOI: 10.1090/tran/8875
    arXiv: 1912.03653
  • Karl Christ (2023): A Clifford inequality for semistable curvesMathematische Zeitschrift (online first)
    arXiv: 2204.08234
  • Karl Christ, Qixiao Ma (2023): Bounding the number of graph refinements for Brill-Noether existence
    arXiv: 2304.07405
  • Karl Christ, Xiang He, Ilya Tyomkin (2023): On the Severi problem in arbitrary characteristicPublications Mathematiques de l'Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques. 137, 1, 1-45
    arXiv: 2005.04134
  • Lars H. Halle, Klaus Hulek and Ziyu Zhang (2023): Relative VGIT and an application to degenerations of Hilbert schemesMichigan Math. J. 73 (2023), 67–96
    DOI: doi:org/10.1307/mmj/20205898
    arXiv: 1909.03780
  • M. Lüders, M. Morrow (2023): Milnor K-Theory of p-Adic ringsJournal fur die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik. 2023, 796, 69-116
    DOI: 10.1515/crelle-2022-0079
    arXiv: 2101.01092
  • Mathieu Dutour Sikirić, Klaus Hulek (2023): Moduli of polarized Enriques surfaces - computational aspectsJ. London Math. Soc., 109 (2024): e12828
    DOI: 10.1112/jlms.12828
    arXiv: 2302.01679
  • Matthias Schütt (2023): Moduli of Gorenstein Q-homology projective planesJ. Math. Soc. Japan 75(1): 329-366
    arXiv: 1505.04163
  • Mauro Fortuna (2023): Cohomology of the moduli space of degree two Enriques surfacesAnnali della Scuola normale superiore di Pisa - Classe di scienze. 24, 2, 839-878
    DOI: 10.2422/2036-2145.202010_034
    arXiv: 2008.06934
  • Nebojsa Pavic, Stefan Schreieder (2023): The diagonal of quartic fivefoldsAlgebraic Geometry 10 (6) (2023) 754-778
    DOI: 10.14231/AG-2023-027
    arXiv: 2106.04539
  • Olivier de Gaay Fortman (2023): Non-arithmetic uniformization of metric spaces attached to unitary Shimura varieties
    arXiv: 2301.01598
  • Olivier de Gaay Fortman (2023): Hyperbolic geometry and real moduli of five points on the line
    arXiv: 2111.06381
  • Pierre Lairez, Emre Can Sertöz (2023): Separation of periods of quartic surfacesAlgebra & number theory. 17, 10, 1753-1778
    arXiv: 2011.12316
  • Pieter Belmans, Lie Fu, Andreas Krug (2023): Hochschild cohomology of Hilbert schemes of points on surfaces
    arXiv: 2309.06244
  • Raymond Cheng (2023): q-bic forms
    arXiv: 2301.09929
  • Raymond Cheng (2023): q-bic hypersurfaces and their Fano schemes
    arXiv: 2307.06160
  • Salvatore Floccari (2023): The Hodge and Tate conjectures for hyper-Kähler sixfolds of generalized Kummer type
    arXiv: 2308.02267
  • Salvatore Floccari (2023): On the motive of O'Grady's six dimensional hyper-Kähler varietiesÉpijournal de Géométrie Algébrique, Volume 7 (2023), Article no. 4
    arXiv: 2203.16257
  • Salvatore Floccari, Mauro Varesco (2023): Algebraic cycles on hyper-K\"ahler varieties of generalized Kummer type
    arXiv: 2308.04865 Date: Wed, 9 Aug 2023 10:56
  • Samuel Boissiere, Tobias Heckel, Alessandra Sarti (2023): The Fano variety of lines of a cuspidal cyclic cubic fourfold
    arXiv: 2209.11022
  • Sebastian Casalaina-Martin, Samuel Grushevsky, Klaus Hulek (2023): The birational geometry of moduli of cubic surfaces and cubic surfaces with a lineTo appear: Moduli.
    arXiv: 2312.15369
  • Sebastian Casalaina-Martin, Samuel Grushevsky, Klaus Hulek, Radu Laza (2023): Non-isomorphic smooth compactifications of the moduli space of cubic surfacesNagoya Math. J. 254 (2024), 315 — 365.
    DOI: 10.1017/nmj.2023.27
    arXiv: 2207.03533
  • Sebastian Casalaina-Martin, Samuel Grushevsky, Klaus Hulek, Radu Laza (2023): Cohomology of the moduli space of cubic threefolds and its smooth modelsMemoirs of the AMS, Vol 282, Issue 1395
    arXiv: 1904.08728
  • Spencer Bloch, Robin de Jong, Emre Can Sertöz (2023): Heights on curves and limits of Hodge structuresJournal of the London Mathematical Society. 108, 1, 340-361
    arXiv: 2206.01220
  • Spencer Bloch, Robin de Jong, Emre Can Sertöz (2023): Computing heights via limits of Hodge structuresExperimental mathematics
    DOI: 10.1080/10586458.2023.2188318
    arXiv: 2208.00017
  • Stefan Schreieder (2023): Geometric retract rationality of norm varieties
    arXiv: 2302.01598
  • Theodosis Alexandrou (2023): Torsion in Griffiths Groups
    arXiv: 2303.04083
  • Theodosis Alexandrou (2023): On the Brauer group of a generic Godeaux surfaceJ. London Math. Soc. 107 (2023), 1881-1899.
    DOI: 10.1112/jlms.12727
    arXiv: 2207.08042
  • Theodosis Alexandrou, Stefan Schreieder (2023): On Bloch's map for torsion cycles over non-closed fieldsForum of Mathematics, Sigma (2023), Vol. 11:e53 1–21
    DOI: 10.1017/fms.2023.51
    arXiv: 2210.03201
  • Thorsten Beckmann, Olivier de Gaay Fortman (2023): Integral Fourier transforms and the integral Hodge conjecture for one-cycles on abelian varietiesCompositio Mathematica, 159 (2023), no. 6, 1188--1213.
    arXiv: 2202.05230
  • Tim Gräfnitz, Patrick Luo (2023): Scattering diagrams: polynomiality and the dense region
    arXiv: 2312.13990
  • Toshiyuki Katsura, Matthias Schûtt (2023): Normal forms for quasi-elliptic Enriques surfaces and applications
    arXiv: 2304.12599
  • Wolfgang Ebeling, Atsushi Takahashi (2023): Graded matrix factorizations of size two and reductionManuscripta Math. 170, 409-425 (2023)
    DOI: 10.1007/s00229-022-01372-4
    arXiv: 2101.05075
  • Wolfgang Ebeling, Sabir M. Gusein-Zade (2023): Indices of vector fields and 1-formsHandbook of Geometry and Topology of Singularities, Volume IV, Springer, Cham, 2023, 251–305.
    arXiv: 2107.01967
  • Adam Czapliński, Andreas Krug, Manfred Lehn, Sönke Rollenske (2022): Compactified Jacobians of Extended ADE Curves and Lagrangian Fibrations
    arXiv: 2206.11686
  • Alejandro Cañas, Vicente Muñoz, Matthias Schütt, Aleksy Tralle (2022): Quasi-regular Sasakian and K-contact structures on Smale-Barden manifoldsRev. Mat. Iberoam. 38, No. 3, 1029-1050
    arXiv: 2004.12643
  • Alexei N. Skorobogatov, Domenico Valloni (2022): Enriques involutions and Brauer classes
    arXiv: 2202.08030
  • Andreas Hochenegger, Andreas Krug (2022): Relations among $\mathbb{P}$-Twists
    arXiv: 2207.14120
  • Andreas Krug, Ciaran Meachan (2022): Universal functors on symmetric quotient stacks of Abelian varietiesSelecta Mathematica. New Series
    arXiv: 1710.08618
  • Andreas Krug, Jørgen Vold Rennemo (2022): Some ways to reconstruct a sheaf from its tautological image on a Hilbert scheme of pointsMathematische Nachrichten
    arXiv: 1808.05931
  • Domenico Valloni (2022): Neighbors and arithmetic of isogenous K3 surfaces
    arXiv: 2206.02560
  • Domenico Valloni (2022): Rational points on the Noether-Lefschetz locus of K3 moduli spaces
    arXiv: 2210.07375
  • Fabian Reede (2022): $\mathbb{P}^n$-functors and stability of vector bundles on the Hilbert scheme of points on a K3 surface
    arXiv: 2206.04578
  • Fabian Reede (2022): Smooth components on special iterated Hilbert schemesComptes Rendus Mathematique, Volume 360 (2022), pp. 425-429
    arXiv: 2109.01112
  • Fabian Reede (2022): Descent of tautological sheaves from Hilbert schemes to Enriques manifolds
    arXiv: 2212.04467
  • Fabrizio Catanese, Matthias Schütt (2022): Singularities of normal quartic surfaces II (char=2)Pure Appl. Math. Q. 18, No. 4, 1379-1420
    arXiv: 2110.03078
  • Filippo Francesco Favale, Juan Carlos Naranjo, Gian Pietro Pirola, Sara Torelli (2022): Holomorphic 1-forms on some coverings of the moduli space of curves
    arXiv: 2210.07125
  • Gebhard Martin, Giacomo Mezzedimi, Davide Cesare Veniani (2022): Enriques surfaces of non-degeneracy 3
    arXiv: 2203.08000
  • Karl Christ, Xiang He, Ilya Tyomkin (2022): Degeneration of curves on some polarized toric surfacesJournal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik, no. 787, pp. 197-240
    arXiv: 2012.06766
  • Klaus Hulek, Carsten Liese (2022): The Mori fan of the Dolgachev-Nikulin-Voisin family in genus 2Épijournal Géom. Algébrique 6 (2022), Art. 2
    DOI: 10.46298/epiga.2022.5971
    arXiv: 1911.06862
  • Klaus Hulek, Michael Lönne (2022): Moduli of elliptic K3 surfaces: Monodromy and Shimada root lattice strata (with an appendix by Markus Kirschmer)Algebraic Geometry 9 (2) (2022) 159-213
    DOI: 10.14231/AG-2022-006
    arXiv: 2101.12689
  • Klaus Hulek, Yota Maeda (2022): Revisiting the moduli space of 8 points on $\mathbb{P}^1$To appear in Advances in Mathematics
    arXiv: 2211.00052
  • Morten Lüders (2022): Bloch-Ogus theory for smooth and semi-stable schemes in mixed characteristic
    arXiv: 2201.11553
  • Morten Lüders (2022): Zero-cycles in families of rationally connected varieties
    arXiv: 2211.04300
  • Olivier de Gaay Fortman (2022): Moduli spaces and algebraic cycles in real algebraic geometry
    arXiv: 2211.02710
  • Patricio Gallardo, Benjamin Schmidt (2022): Variation of stability for moduli spaces of unordered points in the plane
    arXiv: 2205.15238
  • Salvatore Floccari (2022): Sixfolds of generalized Kummer type and K3 surfacesCompositio Matematica (to appear)
    arXiv: 2210.02948
  • Samuel Grushevsky, Klaus Hulek (2022): On the cone of effective surfaces on $\overline{\mathcal A}_3$Moscow Mathematical Journal Vol. 22 (4), 657-703
    arXiv: 2007.02995
  • Sara Torelli (2022): Correspondences acting on constant cycle curves on K3 surfaces
    arXiv: 2306.02723
  • Simon Brandhorst, Giacomo Mezzedimi (2022): Borcherds lattices and K3 surfaces of zero entropy
    arXiv: 2211.09600
  • Stefan Schreieder (2022): A moving lemma for cohomology with supportTo appear in EPIGA (special volume in honour of Claire Voisin)
    arXiv: 2207.08297
  • Stefan Schreieder, Ruije Yang (2022): Zeros of one-forms and homologically trivial deformations
    arXiv: 2210.05697
  • Víctor González-Alonso, Sara Torelli (2022): Punctual characterization of the unitary flat bundle of weight 1 PVHS and application to families of curvesRend. Lincei Mat. Appl. 4, 729-755 (2022).
    arXiv: 2101.03153
  • Wolfgang Ebeling, Sabir M. Gusein-Zade (2022): Mirror symmetry on levels of non-abelian Landau--Ginzburg orbifoldsJ. Geom. Phys. 179 (2022) 104617
    DOI: 10.1016/j.geomphys.2022.104617
    arXiv: 2204.02069
  • Andreas Krug (2021): Discriminant of Tautological Bundles on Symmetric Products of Curves
    arXiv: 2103.07787
  • Andreas Krug (2021): Extension groups of Tautological Bundles on Symmetric Products of Curves
    arXiv: 2105.13740
  • Anne Frühbis-Krüger, Matthias Zach (2021): Determinantal Singularities
    arXiv: 2106.04855
  • Damián Gvirtz-Chen, Giacomo Mezzedimi (2021): A Hilbert Irreducibility Theorem for Enriques surfaces
    arXiv: 2109.03726
  • Fabian Reede and Ziyu Zhang (2021): Stability of some vector bundles on Hilbert schemes of points on K3 surfacesMath. Z. (2021)
    DOI: 10.1007/s00209-021-02920-6
    arXiv: 2103.10328
  • Fabian Reede, Ziyu Zhang (2021): Stable vector bundles on generalized Kummer varieties
    arXiv: 2108.05339
  • Feng Hao, Stefan Schreieder (2021): Holomorphic one-forms without zeros on threefoldsGeometry & Topology 25 (2021), 409-444 | File |
    arXiv: 1906.07606
  • Feng Hao, Stefan Schreieder (2021): Equality in the Miyaoka--Yau inequality in the non-general type caseJ. reine angew. Math. 775 (2021), 87-115.
    arXiv: 2003.14020
  • Giacomo Mezzedimi (2021): K3 Surfaces of zero entropy admitting an elliptic fibration with only irreducible fibersJ. Algebra
    DOI: 10.1016/j.jalgebra.2021.08.005
    arXiv: 1912.08583
  • Indranil Biswas, Filippo Francesco Favale, Gian Pietro Pirola and Sara Torelli (2021): Quillen connection and the uniformization of Riemann surfaces
    arXiv: 2107.00826
  • Martin G. Gulbrandsen, Lars H. Halle, Klaus Hulek, Ziyu Zhang (2021): The geometry of degenerations of Hilbert schemes of pointsJ. Algebr. Geom. 30 (2021), 1–56
    DOI: 10.1090/jag/765
    arXiv: 1802.00622
  • Matthias Paulsen (2021): On the degree of algebraic cycles on hypersurfaces
    arXiv: 2109.06303
  • Matthias Zach (2021): On the topology of determinantal links
    arXiv: 2107.01823
  • Mauro Fortuna and Giacomo Mezzedimi (2021): The Kodaira dimension of some moduli spaces of elliptic K3 surfacesJ. Lond. Math. Soc.
    DOI: 10.1112/jlms.12430
    arXiv: 2003.10957
  • Nebojsa Pavic, Evgeny Shinder (2021): Derived categories of nodal del Pezzo threefolds
    arXiv: 2108.04499
  • R. Bitan, R. Köhl, C. Schoemann (2021): The twisted forms of a semisimple group over an F_q – curveJournal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux (to appear)
    arXiv: 1811.05723
  • S. Casalaina-Martin, S. Grushevsky, K. Hulek, R. Laza (2021): Complete moduli of cubic threefolds and their intermediate JacobiansProc. London Math. Soc. (3), 122, 259 - 316 (2021)
    DOI: 10.1112/plms.12375
    arXiv: 1510.08891
  • Stefan Schreieder (2021): Torsion orders of Fano hypersurfacesAlgebra & Number Theory 15 (2021), 241-270. | File |
    arXiv: 1911.12271
  • Stefan Schreieder (2021): Unramified cohomology, algebraic cycles and rationality
    arXiv: 2106.01057
  • Stefan Schreieder (Appendix written jointly with H.-Y. Lin) (2021): Zeros of holomorphic one-forms and topology of Kähler manifoldsInternational Mathematics Research Notices, 2021, no. 8, 6169-6183 | File |
    DOI: 10.1093/imrn/rnz323
  • Theodosis Alexandrou (2021): The Generic Isogeny Decomposition of the Prym Variety of a Cyclic Branched Covering
    arXiv: 2110.02093
  • Toshiyuki Katsura, Matthias Schütt (2021): K3 surfaces with 9 cusps in characteristic pJ. Pure Appl. Algebra 225 (2021), no. 4, 106558, 14 pp
    arXiv: 1902.01579
  • Víctor González Alonso, Sara Torelli (2021): Families of curves with Higgs field of arbitrarily large kernelBull. London Math. Soc.53 (2021) 493–506
    DOI: 10.1112/blms.12437
    arXiv: 1812.05891
  • Wolfgang Ebeling, Atsushi Takahashi (2021): Strange duality between the quadrangle complete intersection singularitiesArnold Mathematical Journal 7, 519-540 (2021)
    DOI: 10.1007/s40598-021-00181-z
    arXiv: 2102.08010
  • Wolfgang Ebeling, Sabir M. Gusein-Zade (2021): A version of the Berglund-Hübsch-Henningson duality with non-abelian groupsInt. Math. Res. Not. IMRN 2021, No. 16, 12305-12329 (2021)
    DOI: 10.1093/imrn/rnz167
    arXiv: 1807.04097
  • Yongqiang Liu, Guillermo Peñafort Sanchis, Matthias Zach (2021): Cohomological connectivity of perturbations of map-germs
    arXiv: 2103.14685
  • Arend Bayer, Sjoerd Beentjes, Soheyla Feyzbakhsh, Georg Hein, Diletta Martinelli, Fatemeh Rezaee, Benjamin Schmidt (2020): The desingularization of the theta divisor of a cubic threefold as a moduli space
    arXiv: 2011.12240
  • Benjamin Schmidt (2020): Bridgeland stability on threefolds: Some wall crossingsJ. Algebraic Geom. 29 (2020), 247-283
    arXiv: 1509.04608
  • Benjamin Schmidt (2020): Rank two sheaves with maximal third Chern character in three-dimensional projective spaceMatemática Contemporânea, Vol. 47, Proceedings of the ICM 2018 Satellite conference "Moduli Spaces in Algebraic Geometry and Applications", 228-270 (2020)
    arXiv: 1811.11951
  • Emanuele Macrì, Benjamin Schmidt (2020): Stability and Applications
    arXiv: 2002.01242
  • Emanuele Macrì, Benjamin Schmidt. (2020): Derived categories and the genus of space curvesAlgebr. Geom., 7(2):153-191,2020
    arXiv: 1801.02709
  • Fabian Reede, Ziyu Zhang (2020): Examples of smooth components of moduli spaces of stable sheavesManuscripta Mathematica
    arXiv: 1908.00368
  • Filippo Francesco Favale, Gian Pietro Pirola, Sara Torelli (2020): Holomorphic 1-forms on the moduli space of curves
    arXiv: 2009.10490
  • J. Gwoździewicz, B. Hejmej, B. Schober (2020): Loose Edges and Factorization Theorems, accepted for publication in Proc. of the AMS, 12pp.
    DOI: 10.1090/proc/14720
    arXiv: 1904.04194
  • Klaus Hulek, Christian Lehn, Carsten Liese (2020): On the GHKS compactification of the moduli space of K3 surfaces of degree two
    arXiv: 2010.06922
  • Klaus Hulek, Radu Laza, Giulia Saccá (2020): The Euler number of hyper-Kähler manifolds of OG10 typeMatemática Contemporânea, Vol. 47, Proceedings of the ICM 2018 Satellite conference "Moduli Spaces in Algebraic Geometry and Applications", 151-170 (2020)
    arXiv: 1902.00781
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  • Sławomir Rams, Matthias Schütt (2020): 12 rational curves on Enriques surfaces
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  • V. Muñoz, M. Schütt, A. Tralle (2020): Negative Sasakian structures on simply-connected 5-manifoldsMathematical research letters. 29, 6, 1827-1857
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  • Victor Lozovanu (2020): Multiplicities of irreducible theta divisors
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  • Victor Lozovanu (2020): Seshadri constants of indecomposable polarized abelian varieties
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  • Wolfgang Ebeling (2020): Distinguished bases and monodromy of complex hypersurface singularitiesHandbook of Geometry and Topology of Singularities I, (J.L. Cisneros Molina et al., eds.) Springer, Cham, 449-490, 2020
    arXiv: 1905.12435
  • Wolfgang Ebeling, Atsushi Takahashi (2020): Lattices for Landau-Ginzburg orbifoldsMath. Z. 296 (2020), 639-659
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  • Wolfgang Ebeling, Sabir M. Gusein-Zade (2020): On the orbifold Euler characteristics of dual invertible polynomials with non-abelian symmetry groupsPure Appl. Math. Q. 16, No. 4, 1099-1113, 2020
    arXiv: 1811.05781
  • Wolfgang Ebeling, Sabir M. Gusein-Zade (2020): Dual invertible polynomials with permutation symmetries and the orbifold Euler characteristicSIGMA 16 (2020), 051, 15 pages
    arXiv: 1907.11421
  • Alex Küronya und Victor Lozovanu (2019): A Reider-type theorem for higher syzygies on abelian surfacesAlgebraic Geometry 6 (5) 548–570 (2019)
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  • Cristian Martinez, Benjamin Schmidt (2019): Bridgeland Stability on Blow Ups and CounterexamplesMath. Z. 292 (2019), no. 3-4, 1495-1510
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  • D. Agostini, A. Küronya, V. Lozovanu (2019): Higher syzygies on surfaces with numerically trivial canonical bundle Mathematische Zeitschrift 293, no. 3-4, 1071–1084 (2019)
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  • Evgeny Shinder, Ziyu Zhang (2019): L-equivalence for degree five elliptic curves, elliptic fibrations and K3 surfaces
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  • Fabian Reede (2019): Rank one sheaves over quaternion algebras on Enriques surfaces
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  • Fabian Reede (2019): The symplectic structure on the moduli space of line bundles on a noncommutative Azumaya surfaceBeiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie / Contributions to Algebra and Geometry, 60, 67-76 (2019)
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    arXiv: 1511.03205
  • Fabian Reede (2019): The cubo-cubic transformation and K3 surfacesResults Math (2019) 74: 194
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  • Klaus Altmann, David Ploog (2019): Displaying the cohomology of toric line bundles
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  • Klaus Hulek, Roberto Laface (2019): On the Picard numbers of abelian varietiesAnn. Sc. Norm. Super. Pisa., Vol XIX (2019), 1199-1224.
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  • M. G. Gulbrandsen, L. H. Halle and K. Hulek (2019): A GIT construction of degenerations of Hilbert schemes of pointsDoc. Math. 24, 421-472 (2019)
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  • M. Schütt (2019): Q_l-cohomology projective planes and singular Enriques surfaces in characteristic two Épijournal Geom. Algébrique 3 (2019), Art. 10, 24 pp.
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  • Maria Alberich-Carramiñana, Josep Àlvarez Montaner, Ferran Dachs-Cadefau, Víctor González-Alonso (2019): Multiplicities of jumping points for mixed multiplier idealsRevista Matemática Complutense
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  • Matthias Paulsen, Stefan Schreieder (2019): The construction problem for Hodge numbers modulo an integerAlgebra & Number Theory | File |
    DOI: 10.2140/ant.2019.13.2427
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  • Norbert Hoffmann, Fabian Reede (2019): A birational Torelli theorem with a Brauer class
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  • Patrick Bloß (2019): The Infinitesimal Torelli Theorem for hypersurfaces in abelian varieties
    arXiv: 1911.08311
  • Sławomir Rams, Matthias Schütt (2019): 24 rational curves on K3 surfaces
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  • V. Cossart, U. Jannsen, B. Schober (2019): Invariance of Hironaka's characteristic polyhedronRev. R. Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fís. Nat. Ser. A Mat. RACSAM (special edition in honor of Felipe Cano) 113 (2019), no. 4, 4145-4169.
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  • Víctor González-Alonso, Lidia Stoppino, Sara Torelli (2019): On the rank of the flat unitary factor of the Hodge bundleTransactions of the American Mathematical Society 372, 8663-8677 (2019).
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    arXiv: 1709.05670
  • Vincent Cossart, Bernd Schober (2019): Characteristic polyhedra of singularities without completion -- Part II
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  • A. Frühbis-Krüger, G. Kemper, W. Koepf & M. Liebendörfer (2018): CAS in der Hochschullehre - Ein Blick in die PraxisFachgruppe Didaktik der Mathematik der Universität Paderborn (Hrsg.) Beiträge zum Mathematikunterricht 2018 (S. 83 - 84). Münster: WTM-Verlag.
  • A. Küronya, V. Lozovanu (2018): Geometric aspects of Newton-Okounkov bodies Phenomenological approach to algebraic geometry (Eds. J. Buczynski, S. Cynk, T. Szemberg) Banach Center Publications 116, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw 2018
    arXiv: 1703.09980
  • Alex Küronya and Victor Lozovanu (2018): Local positivity of linear series on surfacesAlgebra & Number Theory, (2018) vol. 12, No. 1, page 1-34.
  • Anne Frühbis-Krüger (2018): On discriminants, Tjurina modifications and the geometry of determinantal singularitiesTopology and its Applications 234, 375-396
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    arXiv: 1611.02625
  • B. Schober (2018): Partial Local Resolution by Characteristic Zero MethodsResults Math (2018) 73: 48.
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    arXiv: 1708.04784
  • Benjamin Schmidt, Benjamin Sung (2018): Discriminants of stable rank two sheaves on some general type surfacesMathematical Research Letters
    arXiv: 1812.02735
  • Chiara Camere, Alberto Cattaneo, Robert Laterveer (2018): On the Chow ring of certain Lehn-Lehn-Sorger-van Straten eightfolds
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  • H. Mourtada, B. Schober (2018): A polyhedral characterization of quasi-ordinary singularities Moscow Math. J. 18 (2018), no. 4, 755-785.
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    arXiv: 1512.07507
  • J. Böhm, A. Frühbis-Krüger (2018): A smoothness test for higher codimensionsJournal of Symbolic Computation Volume 86, 153--165, (2018)
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    arXiv: 1602.04522
  • Janko Boehm, Anne Frühbis-Krüger, Mirko Rahn (2018): Massively parallel computations in algebraic geometry - not a contradictionComputeralgebra Rundbrief 64
    arXiv: 1811.06092
  • Janko Boehm, Wolfram Decker, Anne Frühbis-Krüger, Franz-Josef Pfreundt, Mirko Rahn, Lukas Ristau (2018): Towards Massively Parallel Computations in Algebraic Geometry
    arXiv: 1808.09727
  • Jason Lo, Ziyu Zhang (2018): Preservation of semistability under Fourier-Mukai transformsGeom. Dedicata., 193(1):89-119
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  • Jason Lo, Ziyu Zhang (2018): Duality spectral sequence for Weierstrass fibrations and applicationsJ. Geometry Phys., 123:362-371
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    arXiv: 1706.01923
  • Klaus Hulek, Orsola Tommasi with an appendix by Olivier Ta\"ibi (2018): The topology of $A_g$ and its compactificationsProceedings of the Abel Symposium 2017, Jan Arthur Christophersen, Kristian Ranestad Eds. Springer Verlag, 135–193 (2018)
    arXiv: 1712.03771
  • M. Á. Barja, V. González-Alonso, J. C. Naranjo (2018): Xiao's conjecture for general fibred surfacesJournal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik
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    arXiv: 1401.7502
  • Matthias Paulsen (2018): On the rationality of quadric surface bundlesAnnales de l'Institut Fourier | File |
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    arXiv: 1811.05271
  • Matthias Zach (2018): An observation concerning the vanishing topology of certain isolated determinantal singularitiesMathematische Zeitschrift (2019) 291:1263–1293
  • Mauro Fortuna (2018): Cohomology of the moduli space of non-hyperelliptic genus four curvesAnnales de l'Institut Fourier (accepted)
    arXiv: 1812.03817
  • Nero Budur, Ziyu Zhang (2018): The formality conjecture for K3 surfaces
    arXiv: 1803.03974
  • Patricio Gallardo, César Lozano Huerta, Benjamin Schmidt (2018): Families of elliptic curves in P^3 and Bridgeland StabilityMichigan Math. J. 67 (2018), no. 4, 787-813
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  • S. Brandhorst, V. González-Alonso (2018): Automorphisms of minimal entropy on supersingular K3 surfacesJ. London Math. Soc.
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    arXiv: 1609.02716
  • S.M. Gusein-Zade, W. Ebeling (2018): The index of a 1-form on a real quotient singularity.Funktsional. Anal. i Prilozhen. 52, no. 2, 78-81 (2018) (English translation in Funct. Anal. Appl. 52, no. 2, 144-146 (2018))
  • Samuel Grushevsky, Klaus Hulek, Orsola Tommasi (2018): Stable cohomology of the perfect cone toroidal compactification of ${\mathcal A}_g$J. reine angew. Math. 741 (2018), 211–254
    arXiv: 1307.4646
  • Samuel Grushevsky, Klaus Hulek, Orsola Tommasi with an appendix by M. Dutour Sikiric (2018): Stable Betti numbers of (partial) toroidal compactifications of the moduli space of abelian varietiesProceedings in honour of Nigel Hicthin's 70th birthday, Oxford University Press. Eds. J. E. Andersen, A. Dancer and O. Garcia-Prada, Volume II, 581--610 (2018)
    arXiv: 1702.06218
  • Slawomir Cynk, Matthias Schütt, and Duco van Straten (2018): Hilbert modularity of some double octic Calabi--Yau threefolds
    arXiv: 1810.04495
  • Victor Lozovanu (2018): Singular divisors and syzygies of polarized abelian threefolds
    arXiv: 1803.08780
  • W. Ebeling, S. M. Gusein-Zade (2018): An algebraic formula for the index of a 1-form on a real quotient singularityMath. Nachrichten 291, 2543-2556 (2018)
    arXiv: 1708.09219
  • W. Ebeling, S. M. Gusein-Zade (2018): Orbifold Milnor lattice and orbifold intersection formManuscripta Math. 155, 335-353 (2018)
    DOI: 10.1007/s00229-017-0945-4
    arXiv: 1607.08740
  • W. Ebeling, S. M. Gusein-Zade (2018): Enhanced equivariant Saito dualityJ. Algebra Appl. Vol. 17, No. 10 (2018) 1850181
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    arXiv: 1506.05604
  • Wolfgang Ebeling (2018): A McKay correspondence for the Poincar\'e series of some finite subgroups of ${\rm SL}_3(\CC)$Special Volume in honor of the life and mathematics of Egbert Brieskorn, Journal of Singularities 18 (2018), 397-408
    DOI: 10.5427/jsing.2018.18t
    arXiv: 1712.07985
  • Wolfgang Ebeling (2018): A note on distinguished bases of singularitiesTopology and its Applications 234 (2018), 259-268
    DOI: 10.1016/j.topol.2017.11.015
    arXiv: 1611.06074
  • Alexey Basalaev, Atsushi Takahashi, Elisabeth Werner (2017): Orbifold Jacobian algebras for exceptional unimodal singularities
    arXiv: 1702.02739
  • Anne Frühbis-Krüger, Lukas Ristau, Bernd Schober (2017): Embedded desingularization for arithmetic surfaces -- toward a parallel implementationMath. Comp. 90 (2021), 1957-1997
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    arXiv: 1712.08131
  • Anne Frühbis-Krüger, Stefan Wewers (2017): Desingularization of arithmetic surfaces: algorithmic aspectsAlgorithmic and Experimental Methods in Algebra Geometry, and Number Theory, 2017, pages 231--252
    arXiv: 1701.01390
  • Arend Bayer, Alastair Craw, Ziyu Zhang (2017): Nef divisors for moduli spaces of complexes with compact support Selecta Math. (N.S.), 23(2):1507-1561
    DOI: 10.1007/s00029-016-0298-y
    arXiv: 1602.00863
  • Benjamin Schmidt (2017): Counterexample to the Generalized Bogomolov-Gieseker Inequality for ThreefoldsInt. Math. Res. Not. IMRN 2017, no. 8, 2562-2566
    arXiv: 1602.05055
  • Benjamin Wieneck (2017): Monodromy Invariants and Polarization Types of Generalized Kummer FibrationsMathematische Zeitschrift
    arXiv: 1606.09010
  • D. C. Veniani (2017): The maximum number of lines lying on a K3 quartic surfaceMath. Z. 285(3) (2017), 1141–1166.
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    arXiv: 1502.04510
  • Davide Cesare Veniani (2017): Lines on K3 quartic surfaces in characteristic 2Q J Math (2017) 1-31.
    arXiv: 1606.02135
  • Emanuele Macrì, Benjamin Schmidt (2017): Lectures on Bridgeland StabilityIn Moduli of curves, volume 21 of Lect. Notes Unione Mat. Ital., pages 139-211. Springer, Cham, 2017
    arXiv: 1607.01262
  • G. Rond, B. Schober (2017): An irreducibility criterion for power seriesProc. Amer. Math. Soc.
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    arXiv: 1605.05577
  • Gregor Bruns (2017): The normal bundle of canonical genus 8 curves
    arXiv: 1703.06213
  • Jürgen Bokowski, Piotr Pokora (2017): On line and pseudoline configurations and ball-quotientsARS MATHEMATICA CONTEMPORANEA 13 (2017) 409–416
    arXiv: 1605.00757
  • Jürgen Bokowski, Piotr Pokora (2017): On the Sylvester-Gallai and the orchard problem for pseudoline arrangementsPeriodica Mathematica Hungarica
    arXiv: 1607.05864
  • M. Alberich-Carramiñana, J. Álvarez Montaner, F. Dachs-Cadefau, V. González-Alonso (2017): Poincaré series of multiplier ideals in two-dimensional local rings with rational singularitiesAdvances in Mathematics
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  • Marcello Bernardara, Emanuele Macrì, Benjamin Schmidt, Xiaolei Zhao (2017): Bridgeland Stability Conditions on Fano ThreefoldsÉpijournal Géom. Algébrique 1 (2017), Art. 2, 24 pp.
    arXiv: 1607.08199
  • Matthias Schütt (2017): Divisibilities among nodal curves
    arXiv: 1706.00570
  • Norbert Hoffmann, Fabian Reede (2017): Torsion-free rank one sheaves over del Pezzo ordersJournal of Algebra, Volume 493, (2018), P. 251-266
    DOI: 10.1016/j.jalgebra.2017.08.029
  • P. Pokora (2017): The orbifold Langer-Miyaoka-Yau inequality and Hirzebruch-type inequalitiesElectronic Research Announcements in Mathematical Sciences, Volume 24, Pages 21–27 (2017)
    DOI: 10.3934/era.2017.24.003
    arXiv: 1612.05141
  • P. Pokora (2017): Hirzebruch-type inequalities and plane curve configurationsInternational Journal of Mathematics Vol. 28, No. 2 (2017) 1750013 (11 pages)
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    arXiv: 1610.05019
  • P. Pokora, R. Laface (2017): Towards the weighted bounded negativity conjecture for blow-ups of algebraic surfaces
    arXiv: 1709.04651
  • Piotr Pokora, Xavier Roulleau, Tomasz Szemberg (2017): Bounded negativity, Harbourne constants and transversal arrangements of curvesAnnales de l'Institut Fourier Grenoble
    arXiv: 1602.02379
  • R. Laface, P. Pokora (2017): On the local negativity of surfaces with numerically trivial canonical classRendiconti Lincei Matematica e Applicazioni
  • S. Casalaina-Martin, S. Grushevsky, K. Hulek, R. Laza (2017): Extending the Prym map to toroidal compactifications of the moduli space of abelian varieties (with an appendix by Mathieu Dutour Sikirić) J. Eur. Math. Soc. (JEMS) 19 (2017), no. 3, 659–723.
    arXiv: 1403.1938
  • Sabir M. Gusein-Zade, Firuza I. Mamedova (2017): On equivariant indices of 1-forms on varietiesFunctional Analysis and Its Applications, Vol. 51, No. 3, pp. 177--184
    arXiv: 1701.01827
  • Samuel Grushevsky, Klaus Hulek (2017): The intersection cohomology of the Satake compactification of ${\mathcal A}_g$ for $g \leq 4$Math. Ann. 369 (3-4) (2017), 1353–1381
    arXiv: 1603.02343
  • Simon Brandhorst (2017): On the stable dynamical spectrum of complex surfaces
    arXiv: 1708.06169
  • Thomas Bauer, Klaus Hulek, Slawomir Rams, Alessandra Sarti, Tomasz Szemberg (2017): Wolf Barth (1942--2016)Jahresber. Dtsch. Math.-Ver. 119 (2017), no. 4, 273–292.
    arXiv: 1704.07446
  • Toshiyuki Katsura and Matthias Schütt (2017): Zariski K3 surfaces
    arXiv: 1710.08661
  • W. Ebeling (2017): Homological mirror symmetry for singularitiesRepresentation Theory - Current Trends and Perspectives (H. Krause et al., eds.), EMS Series of Congress Reports, Zürich 2017, pp. 75-107
    arXiv: 1601.06027
  • W. Ebeling, S. M. Gusein-Zade (2017): Higher-order spectra, equivariant Hodge-Deligne polynomials and Macdonald-type equationsSingularities and Computer Algebra (W. Decker et al., eds.), Springer-Verlag 2017, pp. 97-108
    arXiv: 1507.08088
  • W. Ebeling, S. M. Gusein-Zade (2017): Orbifold zeta functions for dual invertible polynomialsProc. Edinburgh Math. Soc., Volume 60, Issue 1, 99--106
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    arXiv: 1407.0154
  • W. Ebeling, S.M. Gusein-Zade (2017): An equivariant version of the Euler obstructionBull. Braz. Math. Soc. (N.S.) 48 (2017), 199-208
    DOI: 10.1007/s00574-016-0022-8
    arXiv: 1407.6587
  • Ziyu Zhang (2017): Moduli spaces of sheaves on K3 surfaces and symplectic stacksComm. Anal. Geom., 25(5):1063-1106
    DOI: 10.4310/CAG.2017.v25.n5.a6
  • A. Basalaev, A. Takahashi, E. Werner (2016): Orbifold Jacobian algebras for invertible polynomials
    arXiv: 1608.08962
  • A. Hochenegger, D. Ploog (2016): Rigid divisors on surfaces
    arXiv: 1607.08198
  • A. Hochenegger, E. Martinengo (2016): Maps of Mori dream spaces
    arXiv: 1605.06789
  • A. Hochenegger, M. Kalck, D. Ploog (2016): Spherical Subcategories in Algebraic GeometryMathematische Nachrichten 289 (11-12), 1450--1465, 2016
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    arXiv: 1208.4046
  • Alexey Basalaev and Nathan Priddis (2016): R-matrix of the orbifold Gromov-Witten theory of an elliptic orbifold
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  • B. Heijne (2016): Picard numbers of complex Delsarte surfaces with only isolated ADE-singularitiesJ. Math. Soc. Japan, Vol. 68, No. 1 (2016) pp. 101–118
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  • B. Wieneck (2016): On polarization types of Lagrangian fibrationsto appear in Manuscripta Mathematica
    DOI: 10.1007/s00229-016-0845-z
    arXiv: 1501.04489
  • Barbara Bolognese, Jack Huizenga, Yinbang Lin, Eric Riedl, Benjamin Schmidt, Matthew Woolf, Xiaolei Zhao (2016): Nef cones of Hilbert schemes of points on surfacesAlgebra Number Theory 10 (2016), no. 4, 907-930
    arXiv: 1509.04722
  • Davide Cesare Veniani (2016): Lines on K3 quartic surfaces in characteristic 3
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  • E. Ballico, O. Dumitrescu, E. Postinghel (2016): On Segre's bound for fat points in $\mathbb{P}^n$J. Pure Appl. Algebra 220 (2016), no. 6, 2307– 2323.
    arXiv: 1504.05151
  • F. Reede (2016): Hermitian Azumaya modules and arithmetic Chern classes
    arXiv: 1607.08144
  • J. F. Tietz (2016): Plant complexes and homological stability for Hurwitz spaces
    arXiv: 1606.05459
  • M. Alberich-Carramiñana, V. González-Alonso (2016): Determining plane curve singularities from its polarsAdvances in Mathematics 287, pp. 788-822 (2016)
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  • M. Bainbridge, D. Chen, Q. Gendron, S. Grushevsky, M. Moeller (2016): Compactification of strata of abelian differentials
    arXiv: 1604.08834
  • M. C. Brambilla, O. Dumitrescu, E. Postinghel (2016): On the effective cone of $\mathbb{P}^n$ blown-up at $n+3$ pointsExp. Math. 25 (2016), no. 4, 452–465.
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  • M. C. Brambilla, O. Dumitrescu, E. Postinghel (2016): On linear systems of $\mathbb{P}^3$ with nine base points.Ann. Mat. Pura Appl. (4) 195 (2016), no. 5, 1551–1574.
  • M. Joumaah (2016): Non-symplectic involutions of irreducible symplectic manifolds of K3^[n]-typeMath. Z. 283 (2016), no. 3, 761-790.
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    arXiv: 1403.0554
  • M. Schütt (2016): Q_l-cohomology projective planes from Enriques surfaces in odd characteristic
    arXiv: 1611.03847
  • M. Schütt (2016): Dynamics on supersingular K3 surfaces Comment. Math. Helv. 91 (2016), 705-719.
    arXiv: 1502.06923
  • Matt Bainbridge, Dawei Chen, Quentin Gendron, Samuel Grushevsky, Martin Moeller (2016): Strata of $k$-differentials
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  • N. Broomhead, A. Prendergast-Smith (2016): Partially ample line bundles on toric varietiesGlasg. Math. J. 58 (2016), no. 3, 587–598.
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  • N. Lindner (2016): Hypersurfaces with defect
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  • N. Lindner (2016): Density of quasismooth hypersurfaces in simplicial toric varietiesJournal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux
    arXiv: 1409.6506
  • R. Laface (2016): The field of moduli of singular abelian and K3 surfaces
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  • R. Laface, P. Pokora (2016): Bounds on Harbourne indices
    arXiv: 1602.05418
  • Roberto Laface (2016): On Zariski decomposition with and without support.Taiwanese J. Math. 20 (2016), no. 4, 755–767.
  • S. Boissière, A. Sarti, D. C. Veniani (2016): On prime degree isogenies between K3 surfacesRendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo
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    arXiv: 1510.07465
  • S. Brandhorst (2016): How to determine a K3 surface from a finite automorphism
    arXiv: 1604.08875
  • S. Brandhorst (2016): Automorphisms of Salem degree 22 on supersingular K3 surfaces of higher Artin invariant.Math. Research Letters
    arXiv: 1609.02348
  • S. Brandhorst (2016): Dynamics on supersingular K3 surfaces and automorphisms of Salem degree 22 Nagoya Mathematical Journal, pp. 1–15.
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  • S. Coughlan (2016): Extending hyperelliptic K3 surfaces, and Godeaux surfaces with torsion Z/2J. Korean Math. Soc. 53 (2016), No. 4, 869--893
  • S. Coughlan, G. Urzúa (2016): On Z/3-Godeaux surfaces
    arXiv: 1609.02177
  • S. Coughlan, L. Golebiowski, G. Kapustka, M. Kapustka (2016): Arithmetically Gorenstein Calabi-Yau threefolds in $\mathbb{P}^7$
    arXiv: 1609.01195
  • S. Coughlan, T. Sano (2016): Smoothing cones over K3 surfaces
    arXiv: 1601.02381
  • Samuel Boissière, Chiara Camere, Alessandra Sarti (2016): Classification of automorphisms on a deformation family of hyper-Kähler fourfolds by p-elementary lattices.Kyoto J. Math. 56 (2016), no. 3, 465–499.
  • V. González-Alonso (2016): A generalization of the Castelnuovo-de Franchis inequalityAnnali della Scuola Normale di Pisa, Classe di Scienze
    DOI: 10.2422/2036-2145.201309_010
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  • S. Grushevsky, K. Hulek (2011): Principally polarized semi-abelic varieties of small torus rank, and the Andreotti-Mayer lociPure Appl. Math. Q. 7 (2011), no.4, Special Issue: in memory of Eckart Viehweg, 1309-1360
    arXiv: 1103.1858
  • S. Kadir, M. Lynker, R. Schimmrigk (2011): String Modular Phases in Calabi-Yau FamiliesJ. Geom. Phys. 61 (2011), 2453-2469.
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  • S. Krug (2011): Geometric interpretations of a counterexample to Hilbert's 14th problem, and rings of bounded polynomials on semialgebraic sets
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  • V. Gritsenko, K. Hulek, G.K. Sankaran (2011): Moduli spaces of polarized symplectic O`Grady varieties and Borcherds productsJ. Differential Geom. 88 (2011), 61-85
    arXiv: 1005.4881
  • W. Ebeling, A. Takahashi (2011): Strange duality of weighted homogeneous polynomialsCompos. Math. 147 (2011), 1413-1433.
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  • W. Ebeling, S. M. Gusein-Zade (2011): Monodromy of dual invertible polynomialsMosc. Math. J. 11 (2011), no. 3, 463-472.
    arXiv: 1008.4021
  • W. Ebeling, S. M. Gusein-Zade (2011): On divisorial filtrations associated with Newton diagramsJournal of Singularities 3 (2011), 1-7 More info
    arXiv: 1008.4659
  • Y. Goto, R. Kloosterman, N. Yui (2011): Zeta-functions of certain K3 fibered Calabi-Yau threefoldsInternat. J. Math. 22 (2011), 67-129
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  • A. Frühbis-Krüger (2010): A short note on Hauser`s Kangaroo phenomena and weak maximal contact in higher dimensionsJ. Singularities 2 (2010), 128 - 142 More info
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  • A. Frühbis-Krüger, A. Neumer (2010): Simple Cohen-Macaulay Codimension 2 SingularitiesComm. in Algebra 38 Issue 2 (2010), 454-495
    arXiv: 0808.2439
  • A. Prendergast-Smith (2010): Finiteness results for 3-folds with semiample anticanonical bundle
    arXiv: 1008.4467
  • B. Hovinen (2010): Deformations of Matrix Factorisations with Macaulay2 More info
  • C. Erdenberger, S. Grushevsky, K. Hulek (2010): Some intersection numbers of divisors on toroidal compactifications of AgJ. Algebraic Geom. 19 (2010), 99-132
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  • G. Farkas, K. Ludwig (2010): The Kodaira dimension of the moduli space of Prym varietiesJ. Eur. Math. Soc. (JEMS) 12 (2010), no. 3, 755-795
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  • J. C. Rohde (2010): Maximal automorphisms of Calabi-Yau manifolds versus maximally unipotent monodromy Manuscripta Math. 131 (2010), 459-474.
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  • J. C. Rohde (2010): Some Mirror partners with Complex multiplicationCommun. Number Theory Phys. 4 (2010), no. 3, 597--607, REMK Adresse: Hamburg
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  • J. C. Rohde (2010): Calabi-Yau manifolds and generic Hodge groups
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  • J. M. Landsberg, O. Tommasi (2010): On the Debarre-de Jong and Beheshti-Starr conjectures on hypersurfaces with too many linesMichigan Math. J. 59 (2010), no. 3, 573-588
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  • K. Hulek, O. Tommasi (2010): Cohomology of the toroidal compactification of A_3Proceedimgs of the Conference in honour of S. Ramanan, Contemp. Math. 522 (2010), 89-103
    arXiv: 0807.4099
  • K. Ludwig (2010): On the geometry of the moduli space of spin curvesJ. Algebraic Geom. 19 (2010), no. 1, 133-171.
    arXiv: 0707.1831
  • L. Dieulefait, A. Pacetti, M. Schütt (2010): Modularity of the Consani-Scholten quintic
    arXiv: 1005.4523
  • L. H. Halle (2010): Stable reduction of curves and tame ramificationMath. Z. 265 (2010), no. 3, 529-550.
  • L. H. Halle (2010): Galois actions on Néron models of Jacobians (L`action Galoisienne sur le modéle de Néron d`une Jacobienne)Annales de l`Institut Fourier 60 no. 3 (2010), 853-903
  • L. H. Halle, J. Nicaise (2010): The Néron component series of an abelian varietyMath. Ann. 348 (2010), no. 3, 749-778
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  • L. H. Halle, J. Nicaise (2010): Jumps and monodromy of abelian varieties
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  • M. Lönne (2010): Braid monodromy of some Brieskorn-Pham singularitiesInternat. J. Math. 21 (2010), 1047 – 1070.
  • M. Lönne (2010): Presentations of subgroups of the braid group generated by powers of band generatorsTopology and its Appl. 157 (2010), 1127 – 1135
    arXiv: 0904.1469
  • M. Lönne (2010): Geometric and Algebraic Significance of Some Hurwitz Stabilisers in BrnInt. Electron. J. Algebra 8 (2010), 1 – 17.
  • M. Schütt (2010): K3 surfaces with non-symplectic automorphism of 2-power orderJ. Algebra 323 (2010), 206-223
    arXiv: 0807.3708
  • M. Schütt (2010): K3 surfaces of Picard rank 20 over QAlgebra &Number Theory 4 (2010), no. 3, 335-356.
    arXiv: 0804.1558
  • M. Schütt, T. Shioda (2010): Elliptic SurfacesAdvanced Studies in Pure Mathematics 60 (2010), 51-160.
    arXiv: 0907.0298
  • M. Schütt, T. Shioda, R. van Luijk (2010): Lines on Fermat surfacesJournal of Number Theory 130 (2010), 1939-1963
    arXiv: arXiv:0812.2377
  • M. Wandel (2010): Moduli Spaces of Stable Pairs in Donaldson-Thomas Theory
    arXiv: 1011.3328
  • O. Tommasi (2010): Cohomology of the moduli space of smooth plane quartic curves with an odd theta characteristic
    arXiv: 1002.3863
  • R. Livné, M. Schütt, N. Yui (2010): The modularity of K3 surfaces with non-symplectic group actionsMath. Ann. 348 (2010), 333-355
    arXiv: 0904.1922
  • S. Krug (2010): Rational cohomology of R2 (and S2 )
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  • V. Gritsenko, K. Hulek, G.K. Sankaran (2010): Moduli spaces of irreducible symplectic manifoldsCompos. Math. 146 (2010), no. 2, 404-434
    arXiv: 0802.2078
  • W. Ebeling, D. Ploog (2010): Poincaré series and Coxeter functors for Fuchsian singularitiesAdv. Math. 225 (2010), 1387-1398.
    arXiv: 0903.4692
  • W. Ebeling, D. Ploog (2010): McKay correspondence for the Poincaré series of Kleinian and Fuchsian singularitiesMath. Ann. 347 (2010), 689-702.
    arXiv: 0809.2738
  • W. Ebeling, S. M. Gusein-Zade (2010): Multi-variable Poincaré series associated with Newton diagramsJournal of Singularities 1 (2010), 60-68 More info
    arXiv: 0906.0081
  • A. Prendergast-Smith (2009): The cone conjecture for some rational elliptic threefoldsMath. Z.
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  • A.-S. Elsenhans, J. Jahnel (2009): New sums of three cubesMath. Comp. 78 (2009), no. 266, 1227-1230
  • C. Böhning, H.-Ch. Graf v. Bothmer, J. Kröker (2009): Rationality of moduli spaces of plane curves of small degreeExperimental Mathematics 18 (4), 499-508 (2009).
    arXiv: 0904.0890
  • F. Catanese, M. Lönne, B. Wajnryb (2009): Moduli spaces of surfaces and monodromy invariantsProceedings of G¨okova Geometry-Topology Conference 2009, Intern. Press, Cambridge MA (2010), 58 – 98.
    arXiv: 1003.3871
  • G. Hein, D. Ploog (2009): Postnikov-Stability versus Semistability of Sheaves
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  • H.-Ch. Graf v. Bothmer, J. Kröker (2009): Focal values of plane cubic centersQualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems 9 (1), 319-324 (2010).
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  • H.-Ch. Graf v. Bothmer, K. Ranestad (2009): A general formula for the algebraic degree in semidefinite programmingBull. Lond. Math. Soc. 41 (2009), no. 2, 193-197.
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  • H.-Ch. Graf v. Bothmer, K. Ranestad (2009): Classification of rational surfaces of degree 11 and sectional genus 11 in P4Math. Scand. 104 (2009), no. 1, 60-94.
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  • L. H. Halle, J. Nicaise (2009): Motivic zeta functions of abelian varieties, and the monodromy conjectureAdv. Math.
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  • M. Lönne (2009): Bifurcation braid monodromy of plane curvesIn: Complex and Differential Geometry: Conference held at Leibniz Universität Hannover, September 14 - 18, 2009 (Springer Proceedings in Mathematics), 235 – 255
    arXiv: 1003.3044
  • M. Lönne (2009): Fundamental groups of projective discriminant complementsDuke Math. J. 150 (2009), no. 2, 357 – 405
  • M. Schütt (2009): CM newforms with rational coefficientsRamanujan Journal 19 (2009), 187-205
    arXiv: math.NT/0511228
  • R.-O. Buchweitz, W. Ebeling, H.-Ch. Graf v. Bothmer (2009): Low-dimensional Singularities with Free Divisors as DiscriminantsJ. Algebraic Geom. 18 (2009), 371-406
    arXiv: math.AG/0612119
  • S. Cynk, M. Schütt (2009): Generalised Kummer constructions and Weil restrictionsJournal of Number Theory 129 (2009), 1965-1975
    arXiv: 0710.4565
  • V. Gritsenko, K. Hulek, G.K. Sankaran (2009): Abelianisation of orthogonal groups and the fundamental group of modular varietiesJ. Algebra 322 (2009), 463-478
    arXiv: 0810.1614
  • W. Ebeling (2009): Poincaré series and monodromy of the simple and unimodal boundary singularitiesProc. Steklov Inst. Math. 267 (2009), 50-58
    arXiv: 0807.4839
  • W. Ebeling, S. M. Gusein-Zade (2009): On indices of 1-forms on determinantal singularitiesProc. Steklov Inst. Math. 267 (2009), 113-124.
    arXiv: 0806.0219
  • A. Frühbis-Krüger (2008): Some Remarks on Blowing-Ups in a Computer Algebra SystemComputer Science Journal of Moldova 16 (2008), no. 1(46), 15-34
  • A.-S. Elsenhans, J. Jahnel (2008): K3 surfaces of Picard rank one and degree twoIn: Proceedings of the Eighth Algorithmic Number Theory Symposium (ANTS-VIII). Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) 5011, Springer Verlag, 2008
  • C. Böhning, H.-Ch. Graf v. Bothmer (2008): Rationality of the moduli spaces of plane curves of sufficiently large degree
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  • C. Erdenberger (2008): The index of γ(d1,d2) in Sp(4,Z)Appendix to Y.-H. Chen, Y. Yang, N. Yui, Monodromy of Picard-Fuchs differential equations for Calabi-Yau threefolds. J. Reine Angew. Math. 616 (2008), 167-203
    arXiv: math.AG/0605675
  • C. Erdenberger (2008): A finiteness result for Siegel modular threefolds | File |
  • G. H. Hitching (2008): Rank four symplectic bundles without theta divisors over a curve of genus twoInternat. J. Math. 19 (4) (2008), 387-420
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  • G. H. Hitching, T. Johnsen (2008): Decoding of scroll codesIn: Algebraic geometry and its applications. Proceedings of the first SAGA conference, Papeete, 2007, (James Hirschfeld et al., eds). Number Theory and Its Applications 5, World Scientific, 2008, 294-314
    arXiv: 0705.2817
  • H.-Ch. Graf v. Bothmer, W. Ebeling, X. Gomez-Mont (2008): An algebraic formula for the index of a vector field on an isolated complete intersection singularityAnnales de l`Institut Fourier, Vol. 58, no. 5 (2008), 1761-1783
    arXiv: math.AG/0601640
  • M. Lönne (2008): Versal braid monodromyC. R. Mathematique 345 (2008), 873 - 876
  • M. Schütt (2008): Arithmetic of a singular K3 surfaceMichigan Math. J. 56 (2008), 513-527
    arXiv: math.NT/0605560
  • M. Schütt, A. Schweizer (2008): On Davenport-Stothers inequalities and elliptic surfaces in positive characteristicQuarterly J. Math. 59 (2008), 499-522
    arXiv: math.NT/0608427
  • R. Kloosterman (2008): Point counting on singular hypersurfacesIn: Proceedings of the Eighth Algorithmic Number Theory Symposium (ANTS-VIII). Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) 5011, Springer Verlag, 2008, 327-341
  • S. Cynk, C. Meyer (2008): Modularity of some nonrigid double octic Calabi-Yau threefoldsRocky Mountain J. Math. 38 (2008), no. 6, 1937-1958.
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  • S. Kadir, N. Yui (2008): Motives and mirror symmetry for Calabi-Yau orbifoldsIn: Modular Forms and String Duality. (N. Yui, H. Verrill and C. F .Doran, eds.) Fields Institute Communications 54, 2008
    arXiv: math.AG/0606707
  • V. Gritsenko, K. Hulek, G.K. Sankaran (2008): Hirzebruch-Mumford proportionality and locally symmetric varieties of orthogonal typeDoc. Math. 13 (2008), 1-19
    arXiv: math.AG/0609774
  • D. Ploog (2007): Equivariant autoequivalences for finite group actionsAdv. Math. 216 (2007), no. 1, 62-74
  • G. H. Hitching (2007): Moduli of rank 4 symplectic bundles over a curve of genus 2J. Lond. Math. Soc. (2) 75 (2007), no. 1, 255-272
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  • G. H. Hitching (2007): Quartic equations and 2-division on elliptic curves
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  • G. H. Hitching (2007): Subbundles of symplectic and orthogonal vector bundles over curvesMath. Nachr. 280 (2007), no. 13-14, 1510-1517
  • H-Ch. Graf v. Bothmer (2007): Scrollar Syzygies of general canonical curves with genus ≤ 8Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 359 (2007), 465-488, Titel des zugehörigen ArXiv-Artikels: Geometric Syzygies of Mukai Varieties and General Canonical Curves
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  • H-Ch. Graf v. Bothmer (2007): Experimental results for the Poincaré center problem (including an appendix with Martin Cremer)NoDEA, Volume 14, no. 5-6 / December 2007
    arXiv: math.AG/0505547
  • H-Ch. Graf v. Bothmer (2007): Generic syzygy schemesJournal of Pure and Applied Algebra, Volume 208, Issue 3, (2007), 867-876
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  • H.-Ch. Graf v. Bothmer, O. Labs, J. Schicho, Ch. van de Woestijne (2007): The Casas-Alvero conjecture for infinitely many degreesJ. Algebra 316, no. 1 (2007), 224-230
    arXiv: math.AC/0605090
  • J. Bergström, O. Tommasi (2007): The rational cohomology of 4Math. Ann. 338 (2007), no. 1, 207-239
  • K. Hulek, R. Kloosterman (2007): The L-series of a cubic fourfoldManuscripta Math. 124 (2007), no. 3, 391-407
    arXiv: math.AG/0601207
  • M. Lönne (2007): Fundamental group of discriminant complements of Brieskorn-Pham polynomials C. R. Mathematique 345 (2007), 93 – 96
  • M. Lönne (2007): Braid monodromy and π1of discriminant complementsIn: Singularities in Geometry and Topology, Proceedings Trieste 2005 (J.P. Brasselet et al. Eds.), World Scientific, Singapore (2007), 661–668
  • M. Schütt (2007): Elliptic fibrations of some extremal K3 surfacesRocky Mountain J. Math. 37 (2007), no. 2, 609-652
    arXiv: math.AG/0412049
  • M. Schütt, A. Schweizer (2007): On the uniqueness of K3 surfaces with maximal singular fibreAnnales de l'Institut Fourier
    arXiv: 0712.3873
  • O. Tommasi (2007): Rational cohomology of M3,2Compos. Math. 143 (2007), no. 4, 986-1002
  • R. Kloosterman (2007): The zeta function of monomial deformations of Fermat hypersurfacesAlgebra &Number Theory 1 (2007), no. 4, 421-450
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  • R. Kloosterman (2007): Elliptic K3 surfaces with geometric Mordell-Weil rank 15Canad. Math. Bull. 50 (2007), no. 2, 215-226
  • R. Kloosterman (2007): Higher Noether-Lefschetz loci of elliptic surfacesJ. Differential Geom. 76 (2007), no. 2, 293-316
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  • S. Cynk, C. Meyer (2007): Modular Calabi-Yau threefolds of level eightInternat. J. Math. 18 (2007), no. 3, 331-347
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  • S. Cynk, K. Hulek (2007): Construction and examples of higher-dimensional modular Calabi-Yau manifoldsCanad. Math. Bull. 50 (2007), no. 4, 486-503
    arXiv: math.AG/0509424
  • T. Shioda, M. Schütt (2007): An interesting elliptic surface over an elliptic curveProj. Japan Acad. Ser. A Math. Sci. 83 (2007), no. 3, 40-45
    arXiv: math.AG/0611103
  • V. Gritsenko, K. Hulek, G. K. Sankaran (2007): The Kodaira dimension of the moduli of K3 surfacesInvent. Math. 169 (2007), 519-567
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  • V. Gritsenko, K. Hulek, G.K. Sankaran (2007): The Hirzebruch-Mumford volume for the orthogonal group and applicationsDocumenta Math. 12 (2007), 215-241
    arXiv: math.NT/0512595
  • W. Ebeling, S. M. Gusein-Zade (2007): Indices of collections of 1-formsIn: Singularities in Geometry and Topology. Proceedings of the Trieste Singularity Summer School and Workshop 2005 (J.-P. Brasselet et al., eds.), World Scientific, Singapore 2007, pp. 629-639
  • W. Ebeling, S. M. Gusein-Zade (2007): Lectures on monodromyIn: Singularities in Geometry and Topology. Proceedings of the Trieste Singularity Summer School and Workshop 2005 (J.-P. Brasselet et al., eds.), World Scientific, Singapore 2007, pp. 234-252
  • Wolfgang Ebeling, Sabir M. Gusein-Zade (2007): Chern obstructions for collections of 1-forms on singular varietiesIn: Singularity Theory. Proceedings of the 2005 Marseille Singularity School and Conference (D. Chéniot et al., eds), World Scientific, Singapore 2007, pp. 557-564
    arXiv: math.AG/0503422
  • C. Erdenberger, S. Grushevsky, K. Hulek (2006): Intersection theory of toroidal compactifications of A4Bull. London Math. Soc. 38 (2006), no. 3, 396-400
    arXiv: math.AG/0503017
  • D. Eisenbud, M. Green, K. Hulek, S. Popescu (2006): Small schemes and varieties of minimal degreeAmer. J. Math. 128 (2006), 1363-1389
    arXiv: math.AG/0404517
  • E. Schellhammer (2006): On the Tits building of paramodular groupsBoll. Unione Mat. Ital. Sez. B Artic. Ric. Mat.(8) 9 (2006), no. 3, 619-643
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  • E. Schellhammer (2006): The Kodaira dimension of Siegel modular varieties of genus 3 or higherBoll. Unione Mat. Ital. Sez. B Artic. Ric. Mat.(8) 9 (2006), no. 3, 749-776
    arXiv: math.AG/0405349
  • G. H. Hitching (2006): Geometry of vector bundle extensions and applications to the generalised theta divisor
    arXiv: math.AG/0610970
  • J. Spandaw (2006): De Cirkel van BenfordEuclides, Oktober 2006.
  • K. Hulek (2006): Riemann SurfacesIn: Encyclopedia of Mathematical Physics, Eds. Jean-Pierre FranÇoise, Greg Naber, Tsou Sheung Tsun, Elsevier 419-429 (2006)
  • K. Hulek, H. Verrill (2006): On the modularity of Calabi-Yau threefolds containing elliptic surfaces (with an appendix by L. Dieulefait)In: Mirror Symmetry V: Proceedings of the BIRS Workshop, Calabi-Yau Varieties and Mirror Symmetry, December 6-11, 2003, (Noriko Yui et al., eds). AMS/IP Studies in Advanced Mathematics 38, American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, 2006, 19-34
    arXiv: math.AG/0502158
  • K. Hulek, R. Kloosterman, M. Schütt (2006): Modularity of Calabi-Yau varietiesGlobal Aspects of Complex Geometry, Springer Verlag 2006 (F. Catanese, H. Esnault, A. Huckleberry, K. Hulek and T. Peternell, eds.), 271-309.
    arXiv: math.AG/0601238
  • M. Lönne (2006): On bifurcation braid monodromy of elliptic fibrationsTopology 45 (2006), 785-806
    arXiv: math.AG/0410295
  • M. Schütt (2006): The maximal singular fibres of elliptic K3 surfacesArchiv der Mathematik 79, 4 (2006), 309-319
    arXiv: math.AG/0509540
  • M. Schütt (2006): On the modularity of three Calabi-Yau threefolds with bad reduction at 11Canad. Math. Bull. 49 (2), 2006, 296-31
    arXiv: math.AG/0405450
  • M. Schütt, J. Top (2006): Arithmetic of the [19,1,1,1,1,1] fibrationComment. Math. Univ. St. Pauli 55, 1 (2006), 9-16
    arXiv: math.AG/0510063
  • R. Kloosterman (2006): Classification of all Jacobian elliptic fibrations on certain K3 surfacesJ. Math. Soc. Japan Vol. 58 665-680 (2006)
  • S. Kadir (2006): Arithmetic mirror symmetry for a two-parameter family of Calabi-Yau manifoldsIn: Mirror Symmetry V. Proceedings of the BIRS Workshop, Calabi-Yau Varieties and Mirror Symmetry, December 6-11, 2003, (Noriko Yui et al., eds). AMS/IP Studies in Advanced Mathematics 38, American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, 2006, 35-86
  • W. Ebeling (2006): Mirror symmetry, Kobayashi`s duality, and Saito`s dualityKodai Math. J. 29 (2006), 319-336
    arXiv: math.AG/0507134
  • W. Ebeling (2006): MonodromyIn: Singularities and Computer Algebra (Ch. Lossen, G. Prister, eds.), London Math. Soc. Lecture Note Series 324, Cambridge University Press 2006, 129-155
    arXiv: math.AG/0507171
  • W. Ebeling, S. Gusein-Zade (2006): Indices of vector fields and 1-forms on singular varietiesIn: Global Aspects of Complex Geometry (F. Catanese et al., eds.), Springer-Verlag 2006, 129-169
    arXiv: math.AG/0601439
  • W. Ebeling, S. M. Gusein-Zade (2006): A filtration defined by arcs on a varietyUspekhi Mat. Nauk, 61 (2006), no. 2, 163-164 (Russian), (Engl. translation in Russian Math. Surveys 61 (2006), no. 2, 353-355).
    arXiv: math/0303331
  • Wolfgang. Ebeling, Sabir M. Gusein-Zade (2006): Quadratic forms for a 1-form on an isolated complete intersection singularityMath. Z. 252 (2006), 755-766.
    arXiv: math.AG/0503336
  • C. Alpert (2005): Coxeter-Dynkin diagrams of some space curve singularitiesManuscripta Math. 116 (2005), no. 4, 475-491
  • D. Eisenbud, M. Green, K. Hulek, S. Popescu (2005): Restricting linear syzygies: algebra and geometryCompositio Math. 141 (2005) 1460-1478
    arXiv: math/0404516
  • H-Ch. Graf v. Bothmer, C. Erdenberger, K. Ludwig (2005): A new family of rational surfaces in P4J. Symbolic Comput. 39/1 (2005), 51-60
    arXiv: math.AG/0404492
  • H-Ch. Graf v. Bothmer, F.-O. Schreyer (2005): A quick and dirty irreducibility Test for Multivariate Polynomials over FqExperimental Mathematics, Vol. 14 (2005), No. 4, 415-422
    arXiv: math/0404342
  • K. Aker (2005): Almost Regular Bundles on del Pezzo Fibrations
    arXiv: math.AG/0508557
  • K. Hulek, H. Verrill (2005): On modularity of rigid and nonrigid Calabi-Yau varieties associated to the root lattice A4Nagoya Math. J. Vol. 179 (2005) 103-146
    arXiv: math/0304169
  • K. Hulek, H. Verrill (2005): On the motive of Kummer varieties associated to Γ 1(7)- Supplement to the paper: The modularity of certain non-rigid Calabi-Yau threefolds (by R. Livné and N. Yui)J. Math. Kyoto Univ., 45-4 (2005), 667-681
    arXiv: math.AG/0506388
  • O. Klehn (2005): Real and complex indices of vector fields on complete intersection curves with isolated singularityCompositio Mathematica 141 (2005), no. 2, 525-540
    arXiv: math.AG/0301166
  • R. Kloosterman (2005): The p-part of Tate-Shafarevich groups can be arbitrarily largeJ. Théor. Nombres Bordeaux 17 (2005), 787-800
    arXiv: math.NT/0303143
  • R. Kloosterman (2005): Explicit sections on Kuwata`s elliptic surfacesComment. Math. Univ. St. Pauli 54 (2005), 69-86
  • R. Kloosterman, O. Tommasi (2005): Locally trivial families of hyperelliptic curves: the geometry of the WeierstraßschemeIndag. Math., New Ser. 16 (2005), 215-223
  • S. Cynk, C. Meyer (2005): Geometry and arithmetic of certain double octic Calabi-Yau manifoldsCanad. Math. Bull. 48 (2005), no. 2, 180-194
    arXiv: math.AG/0304121
  • W. Ebeling, S. M. Gusein-Zade (2005): On the arc filtration for the singularities of Arnold`s listsMath. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 138 (2005), 307-314, Preprint 2003
    arXiv: math.AG/0309243
  • W. Ebeling, S. M. Gusein-Zade (2005): Indices of vector fields or 1-forms and characteristic numbersBull. London Math. Soc. 37, 747-754 (2005)
    arXiv: math/0303330
  • Wolfgang Ebeling, Sabir M. Gusein-Zade (2005): Radial index and Euler obstruction of a 1-form on a singular varietyGeometriae Dedicata 113, 231--241 (2005)
    arXiv: math/0402388
  • C. Erdenberger (2004): The Kodaira dimension of certain moduli spaces of abelian surfacesMathematische Nachrichten 274-275 (2004), 32-39
    arXiv: math/0305225
  • H-Ch. Graf v. Bothmer (2004): Last syzygies of 1-generic spacesJournal of Algebra 278 issue 1 (2004), 360-369
    arXiv: math/0307361
  • H.-Ch. Graf v. Bothmer, K. Hulek (2004): Geometric syzygies of elliptic normal curves and their secant varietiesManuscr. Math. 113 (2004), 35-68
    arXiv: math/0304331
  • J. Harris, K. Hulek (2004): A Remark on the Schottky Locus in Genus 4Proceedings of the Fano Conference, eds. A. Collino, A. Conte and M. Marchiso, 479--483 (2004)
    arXiv: math.AG/0301007
  • K. Hulek (2004): Friedrich Hirzebruch and Mathematics in post-war Germany.In: The Founders of Index Theory. Edited by S.T.Yau, International Press 2004
  • K. Hulek, G. K. Sankaran (2004): The nef cone of toroidal compactifications of A4Proc. London Math. Soc. (3) 88 (2004), 659-704
    arXiv: math/0203238
  • L. Fuentes-Garcia (2004): A note on Abelian varieties embedded in quadricsRend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Padova 111 †(2004), 127--131
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  • L. Fuentes-Garcia (2004): Projective normality of abelian surfaces of type (1,2d)Manuscripta Math.114 (2004), no. 3, 385-390
    arXiv: math/0306058
  • M. Lönne (2004): Braid monodromy of curve singularities of Brieskorn Pham typePreprint Universität Hannover | File |
  • M. Lönne (2004): Hurwitz stabilisers of some short redundant Artin systems for the braid group Br3
    arXiv: math.AG/0406154
  • M. Schütt (2004): New examples of modular rigid Calabi-Yau threefoldsCollect. Math. 55, 2 (2004), 219-228
    arXiv: math/0311106
  • W. Ebeling, S. M. Gusein-Zade (2004): Monodromies and Poincaré series of quasihomogeneous complete intersectionsAbh. Math. Sem. Univ. Hamburg 74 (2004), 175-179, Preprint 2003 | File |
  • W. Ebeling, S. M. Gusein-Zade (2004): On indices of meromorphic 1-formsCompositio Math. 140 (2004), 809-817
  • W. Ebeling, S. M. Gusein-Zade, J. Seade (2004): Homological index for 1-forms and a Milnor number for isolated singularitiesInt. J. Math. 15, No. 9, (2004) 895--905
    arXiv: math/0307239
  • C. Erdenberger (2003): Die Kodairadimension Siegelscher Modulvarietäten vom Geschlecht 2
  • D. Eisenbud, K. Hulek, S. Popescu (2003): A Note on the Intersection of two Veronese SurfacesCommutative algebra, singularities and computer algebra, Proceedings of the NATO advanced workshop, held in Sinaia, Romania 2002, J. Herzog, V. Vuletesco eds, Kluwer Verlag, 2003
    arXiv: math/0302167
  • H-C. Graf v. Bothmer (2003): Significance of log-periodic signatures in cumulative noiseQuantitative Finance 3 Vol. 5 (2003) 370-375
    arXiv: cond-mat/0302507
  • H-Ch. Graf v. Bothmer, C. Meister (2003): Predicting critical crashes? A new restriction for the free variablesPhysica A, vol 320C, (2003) 539-547
  • H. Verrill (2003): The intermediate Jacobian of certain rigid Calabi-Yau threefoldsAppendix to N. Yui, Update on the modularity of Calabi-Yau varieties. In: Calabi-Yau varieties and mirror symmetry (Toronto, ON, 2001), Fields Inst. Commun., 38, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2003, 307-362.
  • H. Verrill, D. Kohel (2003): Fundamental domains for Shimura curvesJ. Théor. Nombres Bordeaux 15 (2003), no. 1, 205-222COMM Les XXIIémes Journées Arithmétiques, 2001
  • J. Spandaw (2003): Dissecting cuboids into cuboidsThe American Mathematical Monthly (2003)
  • J. Spandaw (2003): Noether-Lefschetz Theorems for Degeneracy LociMemoires of the AMS 764 (2003), Habilitation 2000, Universität Hannover
  • K. Ludwig (2003): Torische Varietäten und Calabi-Yau-Mannigfaltigkeiten | File |
  • M. Artebani, R. Kloosterman, M. Pacini (2003): A new model for the theta divisor of the cubic threefoldLe Matematiche, 48 (2003), 201-236
  • M. Friedland (2003): An extension of the level-2 paramodular group, and the Barth-Nieto quinticManuscr. Math. 112 (2003), 21-27
  • M. Lönne (2003): Braid monodromy of hypersurface singularitiesHabilitationsschrift Universität Hannover (2003) | File |
    arXiv: math.AG/0602371
  • O. Klehn (2003): On the index of a vector field tangent to a hypersurface with non-isolated zero in the embedding spaceMath. Nachr. 260 (2003) 48-57
  • W. Ebeling (2003): The Poincaré series of some special quasihomogeneous surface singularitiesRes. Inst. Math. Sci. 39 (2003), 393-413
    arXiv: math.AG/0004086
  • W. Ebeling, S. M. Gusein-Zade (2003): Indices of 1-forms on an isolated complete intersection singularityMosc. Math. J. 3 (2003), 439-455
  • G.K. Sankaran, J. Spandaw (2002): The Moduli Space of Bilevel-6 Abelian SurfacesNagoya Math. J. 168 (2002), 113-125
  • H. Verrill (2002): Transportable modular symbols and the intersection pairingProceedings of the fifth Algorithmic Number Theory, Symposium, 2002. More info
  • H. Verrill, D. Joyner (2002): Notes on toric varieties
    arXiv: math.AG/0208065
  • K. Hulek, G. K. Sankaran (2002): The Geometry of Siegel Modular Varieties.Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics 35 (2002), Higher Dimensional Birational Geometry, 89-156, Special Volume of RIMS, Kyoto, eds. Y. Miyaoka and S. Mori
    arXiv: math/9810153
  • M. Friedland (2002): Modulräme (1,p)-polarisierter abelscher Varietäten mit Level-2 StrukturThesis Hannover, 2002
  • M. Lönne (2002): Monodromy groups of regular elliptic surfacesMath. Z. 239 (2002), no. 3, 441-453. 14J80 (14D05 14J27 57R50)
  • M. Lönne (2002): Monodromy groups of irregular elliptic surfacesCompositio Math. 133 (2002), no. 1, 37-48. 14J27 (14D05)
    arXiv: math.AG/0006231
  • O. Klehn (2002): Local residues of holomorphic 1-forms on an isolated surface singularitymanuscripta math. 109, 93-108 (2002)
    arXiv: math.AG/0111258
  • V. Alexeev, Ch. Birkenhake, K. Hulek (2002): Degenerations of Prym Varieties.Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik. 553 (2002), 73-116
    arXiv: math/0101241
  • W. Ebeling (2002): Poincaré series and monodromy of a two-dimensional quasihomogeneous hypersurface singularityManuscripta math. 107, 271-282 (2002)
  • W. Ebeling, S. M. Gusein-Zade (2002): Poincaré series and zeta function of the monodromy of a quasihomogeneous singularityMath. Res. Lett. 9 (2002), 509-513
  • C. Ciliberto, K. Hulek (2001): A bound on the irregularity of abelian scrolls in projective spaceComplex Geometry. Collection of papers dedicated to H. Grauert. Eds. I. Brauer et al. Springer Verlag (2001), 85-92
    arXiv: math.AG/0109022
  • H. Verrill (2001): Picard-Fuchs equations of some families of elliptic curvesProceedings of the CRM workshop on Moonshine, Montreal June 1999, CRM Proceedings and Lecture Notes Series, Vol 30, 2001. More info
  • H. Verrill, W. A. Stein (2001): Cuspidal modular symbols are transportableLMS J. Comput. Math. 4 (2001), 170-181 More info
  • K. Hulek (2001): Igusa`s Modular Form and the Classification of Siegel Modular Threefolds.In: Moduli of Abelian Varieties, Eds. C. Faber et al. Progress in Mathematics 195, 217-229 (2001), Birkhäuser Verlag.
    arXiv: math/9911236
  • K. Hulek, J. Spandaw (2001): Counting Points on Calabi-Yau Threefolds - some computational aspectsProceedings of the Advanced Nato Research Workshop on Applications of Algebraic Geometry to Coding Theory, Physics and Computation. Eds. C. Ciliberto et al., Kluwer Academic Publishers, 195-205 (2001). | File |
  • K. Hulek, J. Spandaw, B. van Geemen, D. van Straten (2001): The Modularity of the Barth-Nieto Quintic and its Relatives.Adv. in Geometry 1 (2001), 263-289
    arXiv: math.AG/0010049
  • M. Friedland, G. K. Sankaran (2001): Das Titsgebäude von Siegelschen Modulgruppen vom Geschlecht 2Abh. Math. Sem. Universität Hamburg 71 (2001)
    arXiv: math.AG/0002249
  • M. Fryers (2001): The movable cone of the Horrocks-Mumford quintic
    arXiv: math.AG/0102055
  • W. Ebeling, S. M. Gusein-Zade (2001): On the index of a holomorphic 1-form on an isolated complete intersection singularityDoklady Akad. Nauk 380, 458-461 (2001)
  • K. Hulek (2000): Das Ikosaeder.Jahrbuch 1999 der Braunschweigischen Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft, J.Cramer Verlag, Braunschweig (2000), 29-33
  • K. Hulek (2000): Nef Divisors on Moduli Spaces of Abelian Varieties.In: Th. Peternell, F.-O. Schreyer (Eds.), Complex Analysis and Algebraic Geometry, de Gruyter, 255-274 (2000)
    arXiv: alg-geom/9708016
  • K. Hulek, I. Nieto, G. K. Sankaran (2000): Heisenberg Invariant Kummer Surfaces.J. Edinb. Math. Soc. 43, 425-439 (2000)
    arXiv: alg-geom/9712025
  • K. Hulek, K. Ranestad (2000): Abelian Surfaces with Two Plane Cubic Fibrations and Calabi-Yau Threefolds.In: Th. Peternell, F.-O. Schreyer (Eds.), Complex Analysis and Algebraic Geometry, de Gruyter (2000), 275-316
    arXiv: math/9810120
  • M. Lönne (2000): The topological types of some irregular Kähler surfacesmanuscripta mathematica 103 (2000), 455-464
  • W. Ebeling (2000): Strange duality and polar dualityJ. London Math. Soc. (2) 61, 823-834 (2000)
  • C. Ciliberto, K. Hulek (1999): A Series of Smooth Irregular Varieties in Projective Space.Annali Sc. Norm. Sup. di Pisa. Ser. IV, XXVIII (1999), 357-380
    arXiv: math/9805115
  • F. Catanese, M. Franciosi, K. Hulek, M. Reid (1999): Embeddings of Curves and Surfaces.Nagoya Math. J. 154, 185-220 (1999)
    arXiv: alg-geom/9607021
  • K. Hulek, I. Nieto, G. K. Sankaran (1999): Degenerations of (1,3)-Abelian Surfaces and Kummer Surfaces.In: P. Pragacz, M. Szurek, J. Wisniewski (Eds.), Algebraic Geometry: Hirzebruch 70, AMS Contemporary Mathematics 241 (1999), 177-192
    arXiv: alg-geom/9712026
  • V. Gritsenko, K. Hulek (1999): The Modular Form of the Barth-Nieto QuinticInternational Mathematics Research Notices 17 (1999), 915-937
    arXiv: math/9806011
  • W. Ebeling (1999): Strange duality, mirror symmetry, and the Leech latticeSingularity theory (Liverpool, 1996), xv–xvi, 55–77, London Math. Soc. Lecture Note Ser., 263, Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1999.
  • W. Ebeling (1999): Lattices and codesMethods of discrete mathematics (Braunschweig, 1999), 103–143, Quad. Mat., 5, Dept. Math., Seconda Univ. Napoli, Caserta, 1999
  • W. Ebeling, S. M. Gusein-Zade (1999): On the index of a vector field at an isolated singularityIn: The Arnoldfest: Proceedings of a Conference in Honour of V. I. Arnold for his Sixtieth Birthday (E. Bierstone, B. Khesin, A. Khovanskii, J. Marsden, eds.), Fields Institute Communications 24, Am. Math. Soc., Providence 1999, pp. 141-152
  • C. Ciliberto, K. Hulek (1998): A Remark on the Geometry of Elliptic Scrolls and Bielliptic Surfacesmanuscripta math. 95, 231-224 (1998)
    arXiv: alg-geom/9703009
  • M. Lönne (1998): On the diffeomorphism groups of elliptic surfacesMath. Ann. 310 (1998), no. 1, 103–117
  • V. Gritsenko, K. Hulek (1998): Minimal Siegel Modular ThreefoldsMath. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc., 123, 461-485 (1998)
    arXiv: alg-geom/9506017
  • V. Gritsenko, K. Hulek (1998): Commutator Coverings of Siegel Modular ThreefoldsDuke Math. J. 94, 509-542 (1998)
    arXiv: alg-geom/9702007
  • W. Ebeling (1998): Appendix to the paper of V.A. VassilievIn: Singularities. The Brieskorn Anniversary Volume (V.I. Arnold, G.-M. Greuel, J.H.M. Steenbrink, eds.), Progr. Math., Vol. 162, Birkhäuser, Basel 1998, 235-237
  • W. Ebeling, J. H. M. Steenbrink (1998): Spectral pairs for isolated complete intersection singularitiesJ. Alg. Geom. 7, 55-76 (1998)
  • W. Ebeling, S.M. Gusein-Zade (1998): Suspensions of fat points and their intersection formsIn: Singularities. The Brieskorn Anniversary Volume (V.I. Arnold, G.-M. Greuel, J.H.M. Steenbrink, eds.), Progr. Math., Vol. 162, Birkhäuser, Basel 1998, 141-165
  • (1997): Der Satz von Riemann-RochEssay. In: H. Weyl, "Die Idee der Riemannschen Fläche" (Herausgegeben von R. Remmert), B.G. Teubner, Stuttgart, Leipzig 1997, 217-229
  • K. Hulek, A.Aure, W. Decker, K. Ranestad, S. Popescu (1997): Syzygies of Abelian and Bielliptic Surfaces in P4International Journal of Mathematics 8, 849-919 (1997)
    arXiv: alg-geom/9606013
  • K. Hulek, C. Ciliberto (1997): Appendix to the paper Syzygies of Abelian and Bielliptic Surfaces in P4International Journal of Mathematics 8, 914-917 (1997)
  • K. Hulek, F. Catanese (1997): Rational surfaces in P4 with a plane curveAnnali di Matemaica Pura ed Applicata, 172, 229-256 (1997)
    arXiv: alg-geom/9505021
  • M. Lönne (1997): Zur Darstellung der Diffeomorphismengruppe komplexer Flächen auf dem HomologiegitterUniv. Hannover, FB Math. 100 S. (1997).
  • K. Hulek (1996): Einbettungen von Kurven und FlächenVortrag anläßlich der Jahretagung der BWG 1996. Braunschweigische Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft. Jahrbuch 1996, 142-151 (1997)
  • K. Hulek, J. Spandaw (1996): Degenerations of Abelian Surfaces and Hodge StructuresProceedings of the Conference "Hirzebruch 65", Tel Aviv 1993, Contemp. Math., AMS, Israel Mathematical Conference Proceedings 9, 271-282 (1996)
    arXiv: alg-geom/9404006
  • W. Ebeling (1996): On Coxeter-Dynkin diagrams of hypersurface singularitiesJ. Math. Sci. 82, 3657-3664 (1996)
  • W. Ebeling, S. M. Gusein-Zade (1996): Coxeter-Dynkin diagrams of fat points in C2 and of their stabilizationsMath. Ann. 306, 487–512 (1996)
  • K. Hulek (1995): The Horrocks-Mumford BundleVector Bundles in Algebraic Geometry. (Proceedings of the Durham Conferende) CUP 1995, 139-177
  • K. Hulek, G. K. Sankaran (1995): The Fundamental Group of Some Siegel Modula ThreefoldsAbelian Varieties. Proceedings of the Egloffstein Conference 1993, 141-150, de Gruyter, Berlin 1995
    arXiv: alg-geom/9401003
  • K. Hulek, V. Gritsenko (1995): Appendix to the Paper: Irationality of the Moduli Spaces of Abelian SurfaceaAbelian Varieties, Proceedings of the Egloffstein Conference 1993, 83.84, de Gruyter, Berlin 1995
  • W. Ebeling, S. M. Gusein-Zade (1995): Coxeter-Dynkin diagrams of the complete intersection singularities Z_9 and Z_{10}Math. Z. 218, 549-562 (1995)
  • K. Hulek, G.K. Sankaran (1994): The Kodaira Dimension of Certain Moduli Spaces of Abelian SurfacesCompositio Mathematica, 90, 1-35 (1994)
  • K. Hulek, K. Paranjape, S. Ramanan (1994): On an Conjecture on Canonical CurvesCompositio Mathematica, 90 ,1-35 (1994)
  • K. Hulek, O.Debarre, J. Spandaw (1994): Very Ample Linear Systems on Abelian VarietiesMath. Ann. 300, 181-202 (1994)
    arXiv: alg-geom/9306004
  • W. Ebeling, Ch. Okonek (1994): Homology Hopf surfacesCompositio Math. 91, 277-304 (1994)
  • A. Aure, W. Decker, K. Hulek, K. Ranestad, J. Spandaw (1993): The Geometry of Bielliptic Surfaces in P4International Journal of Mathematics, 4, 873-902 (1993)
    arXiv: alg-geom/9301004
  • K. Hulek, C. Kahn, S. Weintraub (1993): Abelian Surfaces, Degeneration of Theta Functions and the Horrocks-Mumford BundleGeometry of Complex Projective Varieties (ed. A. Lanteri, M. Palleschi, D.C. Struppa) 165-189, Mediterranean Press, Rende 1993
  • K. Hulek, K. Paranjape, S. Ramanan (1992): On a Conjecture on Canonical CurvesJournal of Algebraic Geometry 1, 335-359 (1992)
  • K.Hulek, S. Katz, F.-O. Schreyer (1992): Cremona Transformations and SyzygiesMath.Z. 209, 419-443 (1992)
  • K. Hulek, A. Van de Ven (1991): Some Remarks Concerning Rank 2 Bundles and Chow GroupsJourn. f. d. Reine Angew. Math. 413, 68-77 (1991)
  • K. Hulek, C. Kahn, S. Weintraub (1991): Singularities of the Moduli Spaces of Certain Abelian SurfacesCompositio Mathematica 79, 231-253 (1991)
  • W. Ebeling, Ch. Okonek (1991): On the diffeomorphism groups of certain algebraic surfacesEnseign. Math. 37, 249-262 (1991)
  • K. Hulek (1990): Abelian Surfaces in Products of Projective SpacesProc. of the L´Aquila Conference 1988, LNM 1417, 129-137 (1990)
  • K. Hulek, S. Weintraub (1990): The Principal Degenerations of Polarized Abelian SurfacesMath. Ann. 286, 281-307 (1990)
  • W. Ebeling, Ch. Okonek (1990): Donaldson invariants, monodromy groups and singularitiesInternat. J. of Math. 1, 233-250 (1990)
  • Wolfgang Ebeling (1990): An example of two homeomorphic, nondiffeomorphic complete intersection surfacesInvent. math. 99, 651-654 (1990)
  • K. Hulek (1989): Elliptische Kurven, Abelsche Flächen und das IkosaederJahresbericht der DMV 91, 126-147 (1989)
  • K. Hulek, J. Le Potier (1989): Sur l'espace de modules des faisceaux semistables de rang 2, de classes de Chern (0,3) sur P2,  Annales de l'Institut Fourier 39, 251-292 (1989)
  • K. Hulek, S. Weintraub (1989): Bielliptic Abelian SurfacesMath. Ann. 283, 411-429 (1989)
  • K.Hulek, H. Lange (1988): The Hilbert Modular Surface for the Ideal (5) and the Horrocks-Mumford BundleMath. Z. 198, 95-116 (1988)
  • K. Hulek (1987): Geometry of the Horrocks-Mumford BundleProceedings of Symposium in Pure Math. 46, Part 2, 69-85 (1987)
  • W. Barth, K. Hulek, R. Moore (1987): Degenerations of Horrocks-Mumford surfacesMath. Ann. 277, 735-755 (1987)
  • Wolfgang Ebeling (1987): Vanishing lattices and monodromy groups of isolated complete intersection singularitiesInvent. math. 90, 653-668 (1987)
  • A. Hirschowitz, K. Hulek (1986): Complete Families of Stable Vector BundlesProceedings of the Göttingen Arbeitstagung 1985, SLN 1194, 19-33 (1986)
  • K. Hulek, C. Okonek, A. Van de Ven (1986): Multiplicity 2 Structures on Castelnuovo SurfacesAnn. di Sc. Norm. Sup. di Pisa 13, 427-448 (1986)
  • W. Barth, K. Hulek, R. Moore (1986): Shioda's Modular Surface S(5) and the Horrocks-Mumford BundleProceedings of the International Conferencee on Vector Bundles on Algebraic Varieties, Bombay 1984. Oxford University Press, 35-106 (1986)
  • Wolfgang Ebeling (1986): The Milnor lattices of the elliptic hypersurface singularitiesProc. London Math. Soc. (3), 53, 85-111, (1986)
  • K. Hulek (1985): Complete Intersection Curves, the Splitting of the Normal Bundle and the Veronese SurfaceProceedings of the Week of Algebraic Geometry, Sitges (1983), Springer LN 1124, 132-145 (1985)
  • K. Hulek, A. Van de Ven (1985): The Horrocks-Mumford Bundle and the Ferrand ConstructionManuscr. Math. 50, 313-335 (1985)
  • K. Hulek, H. Lange (1985): Some Examples of Abelian Surfaces in P4Journ. f. d. Reine Angew. Math. 363, 201-216 (1985)
  • K. Hulek, S. A. Stromme (1985): Appendix to the paper: Complete Families of Stable Vector BundlesProceedings of the Göttingen Arbeitstagung 1985, SLN 1194, 34-40 (1986)
  • W. Ebeling, C.T.C. Wall (1985): Kodaira singularities and an extension of Arnold's strange dualityCompositio Math. 56, 3-77 (1985)
  • W. Barth, K. Hulek (1985): Projective Models of Shioda Modular SurfacesManuscr. Math. 50, 73-132 (1985)
  • K. Hulek (1984): On the Normal Bundle of Space CurvesSeminario Especial de Topologia 5, 87-111 (1984) UNAM Mexico
  • W. Ebeling (1984): An arithmetic characterisation of the symmetric monodromy groups of singularitiesInvent. math. 77, 85-99 (1984)
  • J. Harris, K. Hulek (1983): On the Normal Bundle of Curves on Complete Intersection SurfacesMath. Ann. 264, 129-135 (1983)
  • K. Hulek (1983): Projective Geometry of Elliptic CurvesLecture Notes in Math. 997 228-266 (1983). (Proceedings of the Ravbello Conference on Open Problems in Algebraic Geometry)
  • K. Hulek, G. Sacchiero (1983): The Normal Bundle of Elliptic Space CurvesArch. d. Math. 40, 61-68 (1983)
  • W. Ebeling (1983): Milnor lattices and geometric bases of some special singularitiesIn: Noæuds, tresses et singularités (Ed. C. Weber), Monographie Enseign. Math. 31, Genàve 1983, 129-146 und Enseign. Math. 29, 263-280 (1983)
  • W. Ebeling (1983): On the monodromy groups of singularitiesProc. Sympos. Pure Math. (AMS) Vol. 40, Part 1, 327-336 (1983)
  • W. Ebeling (1983): Arithmetic monodromy groupsMath. Ann. 264, 241-255 (1983)
  • K. Hulek (1981): The Normal Bundle of a Curve on a QuadricMath. Ann. 258, 201-206 (1981)
  • K. Hulek (1981): On the Deformation of Orthogonal Bundles over the Projective LineJourn. f. d. Reine Angew. Math. 329, 52-57 (1981)
  • K. Hulek (1981): A Remark on Certain Matrix VarietiesJourn. of Linear and Multilinear Algebra 10, 169-172 (1981)
  • W. Ebeling (1981): Quadratische Formen und Monodromiegruppen von SingularitätenMath. Ann. 255, 463-498 (1981)
  • K. Hulek (1980): On the Classification of Stable Rank-r Vector Bundles over the Projective PlaneIn: Progress of Math. 7, 133-146 (1980), Proceedings of the Nice Conference on Vector Bundles and Differential Equations
  • K. Hulek (1979): Stabile Rang-2 Vektorbündel auf P2 mit ungerader erster ChernklasseDissertation Erlangen (1979)
  • K. Hulek (1979): Stable Rank-2 Vector Bundles on P2 with c1 oddMath. Ann. 242, 241-266 (1979)
  • K. Hulek (1979): A Remark on Runge Approximation of Meromorphic FunctionsAnn. Sc. Norm. Sup. di Pisa 6, 185-191 (1979)
  • W. Barth, K. Hulek (1978): Monads and Moduli of Vector BundlesManuscr. Math. 25, 323-347 (1978)

Artikel in einem Forschungsmagazin

  • W. Ebeling, A. Frühbis-Krüger, K. Hulek (2008): Robuste SilberscheibenUnimagazin, Leibniz Universität Hannover, 1-2/2008, 36-39
  • K. Hulek, W. Ebeling (2006): Die Entstehung der Infinitesimalrechnung und der Prioritätsstreit mit NewtonUnimagazin, Leibniz Universität Hannover, 3-4/2006, 46-49
  • W. Ebeling (2006): Von wegen rundUnimagazin, Leibniz Universität Hannover, 1-2/2006, 68-70

Populärwissenschaftliche Artikel

  • K. Hulek, O. Paniagua Taboada, O. Teschke eds. (2024): zbMATH Open as a tool for bibliographical studies90 Years of zbMATH, EMS Press, Berlin 2024, 75-91.
  • Isabel Beckenbach, Klaus Hulek, Olaf Teschke (2023): The extension of zbMATH Open by arXiv preprintsEur. Math. Soc. Mag. 131 (2024), 54-58.
    arXiv: 2401.08297
  • Klaus Hulek, Olaf Teschke (2023): How do mathematicians publish? - Some trends.European Mathematical Society Magazine 129, 36-41 (2023)
  • Klaus Hulek, Olaf Teschke (2022): The transition of zbMATH towards an open information platform for mathematics (II): A two-year progress reportEur. Math. Soc. News. 125, 44-47
  • Klaus Hulek (2021): Short note: zbMATH OpenEur. Math. Soc. News. 119, 50
  • Klaus Hulek (2021): Georg Johann RiegerJahrbuch der BWG 2021, 397, Cuvbillier Verlag Göttingen
  • Ed Dunne, Klaus Hulek (2020): Mathematics Subject Classification 2020Newsletter of the EMS 115, 5-6 (2020), Memoirs of the AMS 67(3), 410-411 (2020)
  • Klaus Hulek, Olaf Teschke (2020): The transition of zbMATH towards an open information platform for mathematicsMitt. Etsch. Math.-Ver. 28 (2), 108-11
  • Klaus Hulek, Olaf Teschke (2020): The transition of zbMATH towards an open information platform for mathematicsEur. Math. Soc. News. 116, 44-47
  • Klaus Hulek, Fabian Müller, Moritz Schubotz, Olaf Teschke (2019): Mathematical Research Data – An Analysis through zbMATHNewsletter of the EMS 113, 54-57 (2019).
  • A. Bannister, O. Teschke, K. Hulek (2017): Das Zitationsverhalten in mathematischen ArbeitenMitt. Dtsch. Math.-Ver. 25 (2017), no. 4, 208–214.
  • I. Agricola, F. Götze, M. Grötschel, K. Hulek, P. Michor, G. Nebe, H. J. Prömel, J. Vygen, G. Woeginger (2017): Sieben Fragen zur BibliometrieMitt. Dtsch. Math.-Ver. 25 (2017), no. 4, 215–224.
  • K. Hulek (2017): Mathematik: Glasperlenspiel oder eine Form der Naturwissenschaft?Wissensformen - Vier Versuche, Hefte der Leibniz-Stiftungsprofessur, Band 4, Herausgeber Wenchao Li, Wehrhahn Verlag, 9 -- 26 (2017)
  • K. Hulek, I. Brüggemann, O. Teschke (2017): Results of the 2016 EMS User Survey for zbMATH Newsletter of the European Mathematical Society 104, 67 -- 68 (2017)
  • K. Hulek (2016): Editorial: zbMATH - Gedanken zur ZukunftMitteilungen der DMV 24, 140--143
  • K. Hulek (2016): zbMATH -- Looking to the FutureEMS Newsletter 12 (2016) , 3--7
    DOI: 10.4171/NEWS/101/15
  • K. Hulek, T. Peternell (2009): Henri Cartan, ein französicher FreundJahresbericht der DMV 111, 85-94 (2009)
  • K. Hulek (2008): Entwicklung und Perspektiven des Jahresberichts der DMVSonderheft 2008, Jahresber. Deutsch. Math.-Verein, S 3-7.
  • W. Ebeling (2001): 'Horst Tietz Fund'für Oberwolfach aus der Taufe gehobenDMV-Mitteilungen 3, 54-55 (2001)

Herausgegebene Bücher

  • K. Hulek, O. Paniagua Taboada, O. Teschke eds. (2024): 90 Years of zbMATHEMS Press, Berlin 2024
  • R. Laza, M. Schütt, N. Yui (2013): Arithmetic and Geometry of K3 Surfaces and Calabi-Yau Threefolds, Fields Institute Communications, Vol. 67, xxvi + 602 p., Springer (2013)
  • W. Ebeling, K. Hulek, K. Smoczyk (2011): Complex and Differential GeometryConference Hannover 2009, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics 8, 2011
  • F. Catanese, H. Esnault, A. Huckleberry, K. Hulek, T. Peternell (2006): Global Aspects of Complex GeometrySpringer Verlag 2006
  • F. Catanese, K. Hulek, C. Peters and M. Reid (1999): New Trends in Algebraic GeometryProceedings of the Euroconference Warwick 1996. LMS Lecture Notes Series 264, Cambridge University Press 1999
  • W. Barth, K. Hulek, H. Lange (1995): Abelian VarietiesProceedings of the Egloffstein Conference. De Gruyter Verlag, Berlin 1995
  • K. Hulek, T. Peternell, F.-O. Schreyer, M. Schneider (1992): Complex Algebraic VarietiesProceedings Bayreuth 1990. Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1507. Springer 1992


  • Matthias Schütt, Tetsuji Shioda (2019): Mordell-Weil latticesErgebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete, 3. Folge, 70, xvi+431 pp., Springer (2019)
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  • A. Frühbis-Krüger, R. N. Kloosterman, M. Schütt (Eds.) (2014): Algebraic and Complex GeometrySpringer PROMS 71, xii + 319 p., Springer (2014)
  • K. Hulek (2014): Elementary Algebraic Geometry. Übersetzung in das Chinesische.Student Mathematical Library, International Press, 2014.
  • W. Ebeling (2013): Lattices and Codes (3rd Edition)A Course partially based on lectures by Friedrich Hirzebruch, Springer Spektrum 2013 More info
  • K. Hulek (2012): Elementare Algebraische Geometrie2. Auflage, Springer Spektrum, Wiesbaden 2012
  • J. C. Rohde (2009): Cyclic coverings, Calabi-Yau manifolds and complex multiplicationLecture Notes in Mathematics, 1975. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2009. x+228 pp.
  • W. Ebeling (2007): Functions of Several Complex Variables and Their SingularitiesGraduate Studies in Mathematics, Vol. 83. American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, 2007. More info
  • W. Barth, K. Hulek, C. Peters, A. van de Ven (2004): Compact Complex Surfaces (2nd enlarged edition)Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete, 3. Folge, Volume 4. Springer Verlag, Berlin, 2004
  • K. Hulek (2003): Elementary Algebraic GeometryAMS Student Mathematical Library, Vol. 20, 2003. Errata:
  • W. Ebeling (2001): Funktionentheorie, Differentialtopologie und SingularitätenVieweg Wiesbaden Braunschweig, 2001 More info
  • K. Hulek, C. Kahn, S. H. Weintraub (1993): Moduli Spaces of Abelian Surfaces: Compactification, Degenerations and Theta Functionsde Gruyter, Berlin 1993
  • W. Ebeling (1987): The Monodromy Groups of Isolated Singularities of Complete IntersectionsLecture Notes in Mathematics, Vol. 1293, Springer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg New York London Paris Tokyo, 1987
  • K. Hulek (1986): Projective Geometry of Elliptic CurvesAstérisque Vol. 137 (1986)


  • C. Schoemann (2020): Unitary representations of p-adic U(5)Confluentes Mathematici, Tome 12, no. 1, pp 93-146
  • C. Schoemann, S. Wiedmann (2018): Another proof of Grothendieck‘s theorem on the splitting of vector bundles on the projective lineArch. Math., vol. 110, iss. 6, pp 573-580
  • J. L. Kass (2013): Singular curves and their compactified Jacobians conference proceedings for The view from Joe's Office: a celebration of algebraic geometry